End-times Update: ‘Mark of the beast’ moves into next phase – TIME TO WAKE UP!

After yesterday’s astonishing turn of events whilst blogging (and like a double-strike) I awoke impressed to focus upon three new reports on health risks arising from wearing masks. However, I was getting ‘nudged’ into re-examining their role in a different area regarding the fulfillment of ‘End-Times’ prophecy. Then this morning a ‘confirmation’ of this was posted by Gilad Rosinger – AND digressions have since delayed my blogging on this issue. Thus, I know I’m on the right track!

To remind ourselves, let me recap with extracts from Part 1 of Another insight into global satanic strategy: are masks a trial-run? (emphases added):

MaSk is ONE letter away from MaRk

‘Trying to return to sleep after waking early on Saturday 18th July last, I was suddenly struck by: “WE’RE ONLY 1 LETTER AWAY FROM THE MARK OF THE BEASTWAKE UP CHURCH!” (Change just one letter in maSk to get maRk)

‘That is, we need to realise that compulsory wearing of masks in public is a trial-run, or testing, the progress and outcome of which will inform and lead into the imposition of the infamous Mark of the Beast. It is a softening up and preparing the global population for such an eventuality, as foretold in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for Christian leaders to teach about being prepared for the End-Times.

‘…It dawned upon me we’re not only ‘one letter’ but also ‘one inch’ away from carrying the full marking, or ‘carved-effect’ (original Greek). The new legal requirement from last Friday imposes a mandatory restriction upon anyone wanting to go shopping and buy anything that focuses not only upon a person’s mask, thereby highlighting their forehead and eyes – its edge being on the bridge of their nose, is an inch below the forehead – but also upon waving a hand in order to buy without handing over cash or cheque, or tapping one’s own private code.’

That post then considered two salient points: First, it’s happening in Jewish year 5780, the last digit being Hebrew letter ‘pey’, meaning the ‘mouth’ and oral communication: eg in praise and worshipping the Lord. Secondly, the spirit that works in the ‘sons of disobedience’ is also ‘prince of the power of the air’ (Ephesians 2:2).

‘Hence, the significance of events focusing upon the effects of everyone’s breathing!!!! AND the poison spewed out in mainstream media headlines and opinions that curses the nation!

AND it just so happened this was 7th instance of this topic cropping up at that time through unrelated events! Moreover, I not only had a severe physical impediment but also came under a Jezebelic attack, which the Lord countered by giving me more data! After sounding out a few friends on that ‘insight’ I published Neil Mackereth’s The Mark of ‘Immunity’, or is it ‘Allegiance’? as the second part of that posting.

This was quickly followed by Gilad Rosinger’s in-depth consideration published on 30th July, What Does God And His Word Say About Masks? – which continues to be in my top-ten blogs. Here’s a relevant snippet from that article (emphases mine):

For the first time in history most of the developed world has been thrust into a “new normal” that ignores logic and omits personal health choices involving our bodies. Manipulation and control is everywhere and it is these mechanisms that are the dominant forces in witchcraft. Specifically the Jezebel spirit.

We are to have nothing to do with witchcraft. (‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:11-15, 17)

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

“This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

”The Lord began to speak to me about this spell-casting and sorcery being a manipulative form of mind-control that is conditioning the people to surrender their God-given rightful authority.

‘I believe that the governments are grooming the people and preparing them for much more serious and nefarious issues. The Lord impressed me to look up this word:


– When a sexual or other kind of predator sets the stage for abusing another, such as a child or other person (as in the case of sex and theory human trafficking).

– Trust: May give toys and/or other gifts and favors to the intended victim to gain trust.

– Alienation: Settings the stage for the intended victim to become alienated from their primary caregivers/circles or family and community.

– Fear/dependency: Sets up a power dynamic in which the victim feels too afraid to report the abuse, perhaps by involving the victim in activities their friends and family might judge the victim negatively for, such as drug use (or even the abuse itself).

‘I believe that this divide and conquer agenda of fear and alienation by forced lockdowns and forced masking is a clear grooming process that the world is being forced into in preparation for a much more sinister plot.’

INDEED, the vast majority of our citizens are now well and truly conditioned to accept government dictats and one-sided scientific hypotheses – grooming has achieved its purpose and the ‘trial-run’ is complete.


Hence my astonishment yesterday whilst transcribing a couple of minutes from Robin Bullock’s message on something big happening in the military. Evening dinner-time was fast approaching and I needed to finish; but the video was still running with its captions of Robin’s talking about buying goods during the pandemic and a great fear in people. So, I began to listen from 29 minutes and heard him refer to his son’s wife:

“Madison pointed out to me one day…and said, “You know that there’s only one letter difference; one letter is different in mask and mark” and that stuck with me because without a mask you can’t buy and sell!
One day the ‘s’ with be replaced with an ‘r‘ – without a mark you can’t buy or sell.

“Now wait a minute, this is where they’re pushing this. This is why this has happened: because satan is in this fleshy realm and is manipulating whole nations in order to bring something on the scene. He’s manipulating nations to do it and so they tell everybody, “Wear a mask“…but the mask didn’t do any good…and it was proven medically it meant nothing..”

It’s exactly like what I’d heard last July, as recounted above, on ‘maSk’ being only 1 letter away from ‘maRk’!

Therefore, I sense something is truly going on and the Lord’s drawing attention to it, don’t you think so?


Gilad, founder/CEO of Radiant Israel and founder/MD of Scrolls of Fire, remarks:

“Anyone who still thinks this tyranny is about health measures and public safety should take a serious time out from their life to re-evaluate what is they believe is true and what is false.
“With the lowest infection rates since the beginning of the pan-demic and one of the highest vac*ination rates in the world, you would have to literally be foolish to believe that introducing these measures now has anything to do with public health.
This is about totalitarian control and oppression of the population. Fear, manipulation and control are all signs and tools of witchcraft. Putting tracking devices that are meant for criminals on innocent healthy people and treating them like law breakers is wicked and demonic. It’s calling good evil and evil good.

“This is medical apartheid. It is the separation of people because of their medical decisions. It doesn’t matter if they are healthy and pass the health tests. They are just punishing law-abiding citizens that aren’t going along with the coercion and manipulation to participate in the medical experiment.!”

Fortunately, there is much discussion going on in the UK about vaccination passports.

It’s noteworthy that Israel is first to be introducing this kit – but not entirely surprising as the devil’s ultimate focus is upon and against that land and the Jews, with its ultimate aim of preventing Lord Jesus’ bodily return to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

The ‘trial-run’ or ‘grooming’ stage of getting maSks to be worn full-time by people, in tandem with insisting upon cashless payments, is now complete.

The next stage is to introduce an actual hand-fixed device such as this bracelet so the public is ready to have it replaced by micro-chip or electronic tattoo as MaRk of the Beast!

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