Economic crises as Shemitah year draws to a close – updated

What do economists and accountants have in common with prophetic and messianic Christians?

Both acknowledge the likelihood of global upheavals if not severe financial disruption in the next couple of months. Both groups are conversant with the cyclic nature of these events, as previously noted on this blog, but the latter group know how they relate to the Lord’s ordinances as revealed in holy scripture.

Let me update you with brief points from a couple of well-informed secular and Christian sources respectively, namely:

  • John Ficenec, editor of the Telegraph media group’s market analysis Questor column as well as qualified accountant and award-winning chartered financial analyst.
  • William Koenig, White House accredited journalist and founder of the international news service Koenig World Watch Daily, which monitors key world indicators.

john-ficenec_2723835aIn Monday’s Doomsday clock for global market crash strikes one minute to midnight as central banks lose control, John pulls no punches (emphases mine),

Time is now rapidly running out. From China to Brazil, the central banks have lost control and at the same time the global economy is grinding to a halt. It is only a matter of time before stock markets collapse under the weight of their lofty expectations and record valuations. The FTSE 100 has now erased its gains for the year, but there are signs things could get a whole lot worse….”

The strap-line to his video-led report reads: China currency devaluation signals endgame leaving equity markets free to collapse under the weight of impossible expectations. His brief summation outlines why “the great props to the world economy are now beginning to fall”.:

  1. China slowdown
  2. Commodity collapse
  3. Resource sector credit crisis
  4. Dominoes begin to fall
  5. Credit markets roll over
  6. Interest rate shock
  7. Bull market 3rd longest on record
  8. Overvalued US market.

williamkoenig-web[1]That article by John Ficenec featured prominently in Monday’s Koenig World Watch Daily. On Friday, William issued the first in-depth analysis of the Shemitah year situation for subscribers to his weekly report, Koenig’s Eye View from the White House.

[Soon after launching this blog I introduced his long investigation of economic cycles and the work of leading financial analyst Eric Hadik in my 2011/12 and Biblical Historical/Financial Cycles. It was in the same month in which Jonathan Cahn’s The Harbinger was published.]

In the latest Eye View, William takes a different tack and introduces this new study as follows.

“While reviewing Jonathan Cahn’s ‘The Mystery of the Shemittah’, I felt led to place his revealing and extremely interesting work into the context of what we focus on most weeks and the events and catastrophes detailed in “Eye to Eye—Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel”.

“When my study got close to being 20 pages long, I decided to divide the work into two parts over the next two weeks. This is the type of work where the more you research, the more the Lord reveals (Yes indeed! Emphasis RB). Next week’s part will go into fascinating detail about what took place in each Shemittah year from 1973 to the present.

“The following comprehensive study points to an amazing connection of the land of Israel to the events that have happened at the times of the Shemittah—the last year of a sabbatical seven-year period—and what took place in the last year of the 50-year Jubilee (7 x 7-year periods equaling 49 years, with the final Jubilee year bringing the total to 50)….”

He continues by covering the following points in detail.:

  • post 9/11 US financial situation
  • Obama’s dubious deal with Iran
  • Collision course with the God of Israel
  • Shemitah pattern: 1973 to present
  • Potential triggers and catalysts
  • Unprecedented pivotal events in Sept 2015
  • Jubilee years and Jerusalem (1917 & 1967).

Lots more is promised for this weekend, so maybe you’d consider subscribing too?

UPDATE per Comment below on Coming Financial Tsunami dated 5th March 2013.

Blog Background Briefings:

Further Reading:

The Coming Shemitah & Jubilee Year – I found this Pray4Zion paper whilst writing. Not only is it an excellent primer but it also has an amazing 12/13th Century prophecy on Ottoman ‘eight Jubilees’ rule over Jerusalem and subsequent changes based upon Jubilee years (ie. 1517 to 1917, then 1967 – so what will happen in 2017?). Thank you Lord for enabling Alf & Julie Saunders to bring your blessing.

See also their very recent article Effects of Blood Moons – Tetrad & Shemitah.

5 thoughts on “Economic crises as Shemitah year draws to a close – updated

    • Many thanks Tony and it certainly fits. I recall treading it and am copying here as well as updating above post with link:


      I had a dream 3/4/2013. In this dream I saw a Tsunami sized wave hit New York. The wave hit the financial areas, banks, stock markets, NASDAQ, etc. A Tsunami has to be triggered by an earthquake. So an event, which was not disclosed to me in the dream, will most likely trigger this financial Tsunami. As the wave hit I saw building after building topple and fall into other buildings which means that the crash of one will trigger the crash of the next. I saw in the aftermath the devastation of what had occurred. I saw buildings once standing proudly, a key word here, now on their sides in the water that the Tsunami left. What I heard in the dream was the following Scripture, Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. (Rom 13:8) I had a vision in November of 2012 I believe is related to this dream. In this vision I saw homeless people dressed in shabby clothing and they were standing over a barrel that had a fire going in it to keep warm. What was odd here is that it wasn’t wood or newspaper that they were burning. It was money that they were using as fuel to stay warm, They were burning the currency of the US to keep them warm.

      This tells me that the dollar would be worthless which means savings account, 401K’s , pension plans, etc. would also be worthless.

      One of the last things I heard in the dream is to owe no man anything which is a warning not to incur debt and to pay off any debt, if possible, that you may now have.

      Liked by 1 person

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