Exposures of Biden regime continue – Bar Association gags debate: DoJ & FBI Mar-a-Lago raid.


1 – Prof Jonathan Turley: (image-link overwrites current window)

“No Place in the Public Discourse”: The Connecticut Bar Association Warns Critics of Trump Prosecutions

Click here to read in separate new window  Here’s an extract (emphases mine)

‘…Ironically, the letter only reinforced the view of a legal system that is maintaining a political orthodoxy and agenda. These officials declare that it is now unprofessional or reckless for lawyers to draw historical comparisons to show trials or to question the motives or ethics underlying these cases. They warn lawyers not to “sow distrust in the public for the courts where it does not belong.” Yet, many believe that there is an alarming threat to our legal system and that distrust is warranted in light of prosecution like the one in Manhattan.

As discussed in my new book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage, critics of political prosecutions under the Crown and during the Adam Administrations were often threatened with disbarment or other legal actions for questioning the integrity or motives of judges or prosecutors. It is not enough to say “well that was then and this is now.” The point is that the bar association also has a duty to protect the core rights that define our legal system, particularly the right of free speech.

Again, these officials are not threatening bar action against critics of these cases. However, as evidenced by the emails in my inbox, it is being taken as a warning by many who hold misgivings over these prosecutions…’

2 – Investigator Julie Kelly

Julie concludes her excellent in-depth 7-page Real Clear Investigation,   

‘Some records related to the search remain under seal, including grand jury testimony of a Secret Service agent. Judge Cannon previously indicated she would allow for the unsealing of grand jury materials if necessary, so more revelations as to how the raid was planned and conducted could be forthcoming.

Documents filed on June 11 add more context to the execution of the raid. It appears the Secret Service point of contact was only informed of the warrant roughly two hours before agents arrived at Mar-a-Lago. Contrary to what the DOJ attempts to portray as a “cooperative” effort between the two law enforcement agencies, FBI agents used a bolt cutter to open the lock of the storage area where boxes were housed rather than wait for a key.

Agents mishandled files from the start; Smith recently admitted the sequence of evidence inside the boxes is not in the original order and that some alleged classified records do not match the cover sheet used as a placeholder to indicate where the classified record was found.

Which leads to this question: Was the unprecedented and potentially dangerous raid of the former president’s home only the beginning of what now appears to be a botched case?’

3 – Prophet Julie Green – word received 9th January 2024 (emphases as printed)


“Your enemies will try everything now to get you away from Me and My Word. Hold fast and remember My Words and that they stand forever. There is no more time to live as the world lives. There is no more time for complacency. There is no more time for distractions. There is no more time for slow. No, this is the time to speed things up, or your enemies will cause more damage and chaos. But I am intervening on your behalf, and I will not fail you. Rest in Me. Rest in My Word that says- all is well in the House of the Lord

Watch as the walls of protection surrounding your FBI not only fail but fall. Shock will ring out across this land regarding your FBI. Great exposure is coming concerning every cover-up, the blackmail, the destruction, every lie, and every crime committed against this country and American citizens. (I will expose) how long the FBI has been weaponized against you by the Washington establishment and the global government. My infiltrators are coming forward to destroy their power and plans against you and how they tried to silence you and the truth. Every FBI director and every person in this agency who was against Me will be exposed. All will fall. All the treason committed against this Nation will be exposed, and justice will be served. 

James Comey: I am opening the books on you and showing the world every crime you and your agency committed while you were the director of the FBI, how you destroyed evidence of the crimes that were committed against this Nation by many government officials, every cover-up and scandal, everything you gave to foreign nations to help take this country down, and every way you helped to weaken this country. I have it all. Nothing will stop Me, and treason will be your end. 

Robert Mueller: I am not done exposing you or how dirty you really are. I am the judge, and I am judging you and everyone with you. You have not gotten away with what you have done against My Nation. It is all coming out…


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