MSM mirror images of Veronika West’s vision of Biden-Harris circus act (PPU 150)

Guess I should check how many updates I’ve posted on the progress of the prophetic dream Veronika West reported on 16 January 2021, before Joe Biden’s ‘inauguration’.

Early this morning she writes,

…This Prophetic Word is once again coming to the fore and Holy Spirit is bringing it to our Attention; WATCH AND PRAY…!!

…”Joker Biden’s balancing act with The Queen of Hearts, Kamala Harris and The Stolen Crown of The King!”
Yes the title is a mouthful — but it encapsulates the essence of the dream. Bare with me!…”

It’s not luck they need, but to turn to our Almighty Father of mankind in Holy Spirit-convicted repentance of sins and earnest renunciation of evil.

Your comments are warmly welcome (NB: Comments Caveat & Prophecy Protocol on homepage sidebar).