Trump Trial Verdict: Psalm 22.12 (echoes of my encounter) – Chris G Bennett

Before collating the prophetic words mentioned at the close of  PPU 147, I’m reminded of Chris G Bennett’s reaction to last week’s news of the verdict against Donald Trump and what he heard from the Lord. This is intriguing because it includes yet another repetition of my numbers ’22’ and ‘212’, the significance of which is explained in the Footnote. Chris’ word published in His Kingdom Prophecies reads as follows:


Sometimes The LORD asks us to go out on a limb for Him — and I believe this is one such occasion!

As the news of President Trump’s guilty verdict filtered through last night, I had a short vision of him, literally rising phoenix-like from the ashes.

It wasn’t a vision of anything other than the ‘guilty’ verdict — no condemnation for the court system, no cries for retribution, nothing like that — just the court verdict.

Then I received this comment — “The dust is not yet settled nor is it about to do so for this verdict has awakened the ‘Bulls of Bashan’ in Trump and it has caused a huge righteous anger to rise in the nation.”

I thought about Psalm 22:12 and what it could possibly mean in the context of this vision.

Bulls represent blatant strength, which Trump has in plenty.

Then Bashan. which biblically represented a land of fruitfulness and plenty, which America had under Donald J. Trump.

Then I turned to the Phoenix — a mythical creature with many symbolic attributes.

The LORD highlighted just three of those attributes to me — TransformationHope, and Liberation.

An odd combination of images maybe, but The LORD then gave me this Word of hope for America.

  • Trump will rise again.
  • He will bring transformation.
  • He will restore hope and liberation.
  • He will bring back fruitfulness and plenty.

Then I received a really powerful short Word about Donald Trump’s life, and our expected future. 

It is so specific, yet it is so in line with End-time prophecies already received.

We do not know how much time we have left, but we do know we are into the End-time scenario pictured so graphically for us in the Book of Revelations.

The Word I received is very simply this – “His, (Donald Trump’s) call to glory will signal the imminence of the rapture and the start of the tribulation period.”

WOW — I wasn’t expecting that!

We must all discern and pray about this one!

Submitted in the fear and reverence of The LORD

Chris G. Bennett

RB FOOTNOTE – Personal relevance of ’22’ and ‘212’ are explained under Second and Third Validations (note that opening the link overwrites your current window):

Triple validation of reality of my life-changing Visitation

1 thought on “Trump Trial Verdict: Psalm 22.12 (echoes of my encounter) – Chris G Bennett

  1. The United Nations Security Council increased the pressure on Israel to compromise with Hamas, with 14 out of its 15 members approving a resolution backing Joe Biden’s ceasefire proposal. Only Russia abstained on the resolution that called for Israel and Hamas “to fully implement its terms without delay and without condition.” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Israel yesterday, pressuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept the deal. As I wrote yesterday, so much of this pressure on Israel traces back to former U.S. President Barack Obama and his plan to transform the Middle East.
    Jurors are deliberating in Hunter Biden’s gun trial after hearing closing arguments yesterday. The defense rests on the fact that no witnesses say they saw Hunter Biden taking drugs during the 11 days after buying the gun before Hallie Biden threw it out. Prosecutors showed text messages from that same time period in which Hunter talks about waiting for a drug deal and smoking drugs. Prosecutor Leo Wise told jurors, “No one is above the law.”

    “All of this is not evidence,” said Wise, pointing to the gallery where the rich and powerful members of the Biden family sat. “People sitting in the gallery are not evidence.” The case looks pretty open and shut; we’ll see soon whether the jurors in a heavily pro-Biden area can set aside their personal views of candidates and vote with the law or not.

    Nancy Pelosi said, “I take responsibility” for the National Guard not being prepared for the Jan. 6, 2021, protests, according to a newly released video of the former House speaker. Democrats have spent the last four years saying Donald Trump is to blame for security failures. The video confirms that Pelosi was in charge of security that day. But the lack of National Guard was no oversight; the radical left wanted a riot. To learn more, read our article “January 6 Was a Setup.”

    Richard Palmer
    Assistant Managing Editor,


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