Dreams and visions of Big Ben at prophetical Midnight hour

In case anyone may not yet have read the two previous posts, or seen comments thereto, I submit for the record this chronological account of what I believe are highly significant visions and dreams about Big Ben together with perspicacious points from readers. I hope this brings clarification and I invite your prayers and weighing with the Lord.:

First, come with me into the recesses of this blog’s Prophecy Library as I unearth relevant data on the prophetical significance of Big Ben from 12 years ago…


Britain was heading towards a terrorist outrage of multiple attacks upon London transport on 7th July.  American prophet Chuck Pierce noted that ‘Big Ben’, the clock nicknamed after The Great Bell topping Westminster Palace’s Elizabeth Tower, inexplicably stopped for 90 minutes on 27th May 2005 (see The Elijah List report).

chuckpierce[1]Chuck was making a through-visit and saw swords in the skies over London and so he called for 40-days of prayer, as on this blog.  A meeting in Bloomsbury was convened for the day after that period – 7th July – but it wasn’t held as that was where a bus was blown up. Revd Dr Sharon Stone and associate Martha Lucia were en-route, as reported on her Watchman Network. I recall Sharon describing how traumatised the policemen were to whom they’d ministered.

Houses of Parliament: courtesy FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Here’s a compilation of the content of relevant blogs and comments for ease of reference:


Tony Puccio 31 Aug – Big Ben: 

  • Blogs – ‘Shortly after posting the dream about England on 08/29/2016 I saw a vision of Big Ben being struck at its base by what looked to be a missile. Then I saw it fall just like the twin towers did in the 9-11 attack where the towers, instead of falling over, crumbled to the ground. Big Ben’s clock face was now on the ground but was undamaged.  As to the meaning of this vision or why I saw it in haven’t a clue. I am praying about it though and will add to the post further revelation as it is made known.’
  • Charlie Townsend asks, “Was it midnight? If so that would signify a dawning of something new.” and Tony replies, “That is the sense that I got in the dream”. 
  • I comment, “…the vision may indicate the rumpus over invoking Article 50 to get out of the EU is going to torpedo Parliamentary activity and possibly change the way things are done. (Palace of Westminster’s clock tower is an integral part of this parliamentary edifice.) Interesting the face (one of four) is undamaged, which suggests that whatever happens the Lord’s plans for our nation’s progress continues unaffected.” [PS 14Feb: maybe 3 vanished clock faces represent 3 main political parties that have suffered through Brexit : Labour, Lib Dems, SNP!!] 
  • Later (27 Oct) I comment: “Further to private email thread below about visions of foundations to House of Parliament cracking and this post on Big Ben falling down, please note this incisive opinion from asst editor and leader writer of one of UK’s top newspaper’s on Parliament’s anti-democratic role in eroding freedom of speech.”

Lin Wills 1 Sept – I re-blog her ‘I Am Coming with My Power Like Fire’ (18 Aug 2016) in Visitation Time – a posting from UK Prophetic Words with my intro: “I’ve had an interesting correspondence with Tony Puccio about the following word’s possible application…I invite intercessors to consider and weigh with the Lord; and in connection with Tony’s vision of an incident at the Big Ben clock tower (as here), which may be a warning of attack or point to political upheaval…’

Rosemary Piercy 12 Sept – I told our long-time friend about Tony’s dream. She emailed,

  • “…Interesting in view of the picture I received some years ago of the Lion of Judah hovering over Big Ben; his huge paw was about to hit the clock face, where the hands pointed at 2 minutes to midnight. (I somehow knew it was midnight rather than midday).”

Moreover, I believe it’s now important to share more widely what Rosemary added. Upon phoning for permission to publish today she responded without any hesitation, “Absolutely! now’s the time!”…

  • “A few notes on the picture that hit me this morning. Someone whose opinion I value gave me a word a few weeks ago that I was a General in the King’s army; this morning I was led to read the story of Gideon again, and was reminded of his requests from God for signs. I then asked the Lord for a sign that would confirm whether or not the “General” word was true. After a short time a very vivid picture came to me of a huge bowl suspended on 3 chains above the Houses of Parliament; the bowl swung in the winds of secularism and resulting godless laws. I felt the Lord saying that this was a bowl of his wrath, which of course is a recurrent theme in the Bible – bowl, cup etc. This is not to negate in any way the positive prophecies we are receiving; many of us know that the spiritual atmosphere has changed, and we are seeing remarkable answers to prayer in our country. Nevertheless we are also called to repent, especially for what has happened in the churches, and I feel a huge urgency for this; we are in danger of losing the blessings if we are simply going to rest on the blessings. This is vitally important and I feel there is no time to lose; the bowl is tipping, and we could feel the results at any time.”

Tony Puccio 12 Feb – Big Ben 2:

  • Blogs – ‘I’ve had several dreams concerning Great Britain. The latest was last night. In the dream I could see Big Ben and the hands on the clock’s face were both in the 12 o’clock position. I remember hearing the bong of the clock’s Bell sounding as well. That for the time being was the extent of the dream if I am given further revelation I will add it to this post.’
  • I re-blog with intro – “This second Big Ben dream given to Tony Puccio in Tucson, Arizona USA, indicates – even confirms – a clear connection between Britain and the powerful global words for 2017 that Revd John Kilpatrick received at midnight the weekend of President Trump’s inauguration! …”
  • Tony adds his comment herein – “It would seem that Britain’s Big Ben, being known the world throughout, is being used to sound the alarm, if you will, to other nations. Sounds like the Lord is going to use Great Britain to reach other nations for His Glory.”  I reply, “We trust so my friend, for that’s the main thrust of the massive vision Wendy Alec had in 2005 and many others since (here). Another favorite is ‘The British are coming!’ because we were present when Lydia Marrow brought it, as you may know from my frequent posts about it.”
  • Tim Shey comments herein – “London, during the British Empire, was the capital of the world. Maybe we could say that Big Ben is the centerpiece of London because Big Ben is the center of time. Big Ben is well-known throughout the world. Greenwich is also in London (Greenwich Mean Time).  The British Empire no longer exists, but there is definitely British Christian influence throughout the world. The two hands of the clock are pointing to the number 12. The number 12 means government in Biblical numerology. So now we have double twelves: maybe this means that there will be a double anointing of Holy Spirit government (influence) coming from Great Britain.” [Emphases added – hadn’t thought of this until I referred to 2005!]
  • Dave Chapman comments herein – “Richard, no doubt you are familiar with R T Kendall’s teaching in his book ‘Prepare your Heart for the Midnight Cry’. Am reading it – slowly – now, Dave.”

Today, as I prepare this compilation I draw Tony’s attention to Rosemary’s reminder on the previous blog of her picture of Big Ben and he asks for my ‘take’ on this and “What’s the Lord saying to you?”

Well I’d didn’t have time to even think and ask Him, but was just running with my spirit’s ‘gut instinct’ as a ‘joiner of prophetic dots’ (as Glasgow calls me). So I reply that I’m busy compiling this account and will seek Him later – BUT then get a quick nudge to add,

  • “‘…immediate thought as I type is, “It’s warning of the Lord’s Return!” ie. not long now!”
  • Tony replies, “Indeed! It would seem that the midnight hour is upon us.”

Click to look inside

So maybe we should take this very seriously and consider Dave’s prophetic pointer to Prepare Your Heart for the Midnight Cry: A Call to be Ready for Christ’s Return!

It promises to ‘help readers prepare their hearts in expectation, be watchful for the approaching move of God, and build a deeper relationship with Him.

‘In this Spirit-inspired teaching respected scholar and theologian R. T. Kendall uses Jesus’s parable of the ten virgins to describe the condition of the church in the last days.

‘Many Charismatics and Pentecostals assume that what we have seen in the one hundred years since Azusa Street is the final move of God before the Second Coming. Kendall explains that this is not so and reveals that a movement of the Holy Spirit, which is one hundred times greater than anything we have seen—indeed the greatest since Pentecost—is about to unfold. It’s time to wake up! 

What’s more, it may be helpful to consider several prophecies on re-aligning our clocks with that of heaven! If interested, try this search > alignment.

Readers’ considered comments would, therefore, be most appreciated…

…cont’d in Paws 4 thought: Update >>

22 thoughts on “Dreams and visions of Big Ben at prophetical Midnight hour

  1. Richard were you aware that the lamp pictured in the book you added to your post was the same as was used in Jesus’ day. I did some studying on this lamp and found that the oil had to be replenished every 15 minutes. That should speak volumes as to what one’s prayer and worship time should be like as we approach the midnight hour.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi there – having avoided the catechism of fear after living through a real civil war – I tend not to view things through the lense of fear and posted this last year. It’s the glory of the Lord falling in London and does in with a lot the Father has revealed – including the bells ringing at Jubilee. http://deepuntodeep-joy.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/the-glory-of-lord-is-falling-on-streets.html?m=1 It’s perhaps also worth noting that the bells are going to be silent for a while for maintenance.

    Love and blessings Bev 

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


  3. The photo of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben is significant. For some reason I forgot that Big Ben was connected to the Houses of Parliament.

    Big Ben–center of time; Parliament–center of government. What starts in England will cause ripple effects throughout the world spiritually and politically. Brexit came first, then Trump won in the U.S.. Maybe Brexit will precede a U.S. exit from the United Nations.

    More history: the English Civil War in the 1600s preceded the American Revolution in the 1700s. King James Bible in 1611–still very influential today. The Gospel preaching in Great Britain, especially after Queen Elizabeth I came to the throne, greatly influenced the spiritual/social/political formation of the American Colonies. The 1904 Welsh Revival preceded the 1906 Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles.

    Again, after looking at the Houses of Parliament and the two hands pointing up to 12 on Big Ben: Parliament (spiritual and political government) and two 12s (a double anointing of government-influence): that is THREE WITNESSES OF GOVERNMENT–ANOINTED GOVERNMENT. The two hands pointing up (heavenward) to 12: heavenly government.

    Prime Minister May meeting with President Trump was absolutely the Hand of God.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Richard,

    Derek Prince, when teaching on End Times before his death (24 Sept 2003 in Jerusalem – RB), said that God’s clock was standing at five to twelve!

    And the Supernatural Clock Acceleration in Bob Jones’ hospital room on 6th February and 13th February 2014 (see YouTube videos) was said to point to the church being lined up with heaven’s time when the hands of the clock stopped at midnight. I believe the spinning hands indicated past time, stopping briefly at 8 p.m. to indicate Jesus’ incarnation and his launching of the Kingdom on earth, then spinning round again and slowing at 11.50 p.m. until they stopped at midnight.

    And 6th February 2017 was Queen Elizabeth’s Sapphire Jubilee, if that has anything to do with it!


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  5. In view of all the interesting dreams etc that have been posted here lately, I thought I would briefly tell about a dream/vision that I had back in the ’60s, for whatever it might be worth. (At least I think that’s what it was and that I hadn’t just woken up just as dawn was breaking.)
    Anyhow, it had such an impact on me at the time that it’s remained with me in the back of my mind
    ever since because it seemed so strange.
    I was/had been asleep in bed when I found myself at the bedroom window looking over the gardens of the houses. The weird thing was that I sensed it was very near midnight but that the sun was rising so that although there was still darkness, it was quite light…I think there may have been 2 or 3 people in a garden below, but am not sure now). I remember thinking either in actuality or in my dream, why would the sun be rising at or near midnight? I don’t think that it was merely a moonlit night or anything. And in any case, what would have caused me to think it was near midnight, as opposed to any other time?
    I don’t remember anything that happened next, just got up the next morning. But it has stayed with me ever since.
    I was particularly reminded of it 2-4 years ago when a friend and I were talking about ‘end-times’ stuff and something she said brought it to the forefront of my mind.
    It reminds of this:

    Malachi 4:2

    1For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. 2But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. 3And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts. 4Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. 5Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD


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  6. With these prophecies I think it’s significant (as I e-mailed you at the time Richard) that the big prayer movement thing in South Africa that started early this year has been called “It’s Time”, as that was the message at least one of its organisers said God had given him.

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  7. I recently felt God saying it was a new day and I saw the sun rising. I was surprised as in Jewish culture a new day starts the evening and then its darkest before the dawn. But here was a new day like our culture is used to with the sun rising. So Malachi 4:2 makes sense to me in this context.

    A couple or so years ago I had a vision / God video with music (which was playing on the radio), it was an Adele song “When the sky falls we all stand together” and I saw the children of God all hand in hand with Jesus amongst them. They were totally pure and clean, they were blameless. They walked together as the sun rose on a new day and then Jesus spoke to me. He said “It isnt the end, its the beginning of an amazing and wonderful new day”. I haven’t been the only one to say they get the general impression that they are walking into heaven on earth. I think we are as the Kingdom of God is expanding and now is the time that God is making all things new. I used to be scared of end times, but after that vision I wasnt the same at all because God gave me hope through it. That there wasn’t anything to worry about, and that although I felt at the time like I was still a sinner, the reality was that I was blameless because of what Jesus did on the cross and there was hope in the new day we were all walking into, totally innocent children of God…

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