Internet disruption – hint of opposition?

Thank you to all regular readers and new subscribers for trebling daily hits on this blog in the fortnight leading into the EU Referendum.

We’ve been trying to tolerate communications disruption all month. Moreover, could my blogging give our opponent some grief as may be inferred from internet disconnection last Friday. Engineers had located an underground fault and, after obtaining council approval, a hole was dug on Thursday and two engineers came early the next day to do the repair.

However, we returned only to find broadband disconnected too and another area marked out for digging!! Presumably the engineers hoped to return as soon as the new hole’s open.

So on Monday I worked offline on the last post and went to nearby Acorn centre to access the internet. There, I tried contacting my phone provider online without success and then the fire alarm went off right over my head. The building was evacuated and we returned, only for the alarm to ring again and the fire brigade to attend. So I stayed to watch and then return home thwarted. I’ve been drafting this to update you and then upload it there.

Neighbours had kindly offered use of their wi-fi but external signal strength is low – and I need a secure connection for blogging. That’s why I can’t use my mobile phone on the normal network (apart from being too fiddly). Although I can receive emails and the odd Facebook notification on the ‘smartphone’ all replies I’ve sent have failed!!

Yesterday morning the hole containing a joint-box of several houses’ phone lines was filled in by sub-contractors and asphalt laid because of the council’s closure date, but the phone engineer turned up this morning expecting to continue work! AGH!!

Also because of repetitive issues in this street a more extensive job’s been scheduled for a fortnight’s time. The engineer was very surprised the broadband’s down because he’d left that alone and in working order albeit at reduced speed. Today he’d hoped to rig up a temporary external cable from our next-door neighbour’s house to ours but frustrated upon finding there’s no spare capacity, despite unused wires being available.

Incoming calls are diverted to Nina’s mobile but outgoing calls costly as landline’s on free calls option. So we groaned and grimaced at lack of progress and I shot up a prayer for a speedy resolution…

The router was on in my hoping the temporary line would work, and I’d noticed a security alert stating unable to ‘connect to server’. But then I thought of retrying the connections and suddenly email are pouring in! At last.

All very peculiar! The last time there were awkward connections was around the time of this blog’s 2nd anniversary when I wanted to write about another Iranian rehearsal to attack Jerusalem.

Maybe what I’m doing has agitated the ‘prince of the air’ and it’s making mischief? If that’s so, it shows the case against EU from a spiritual standpoint is correct!!

Your comments are warmly welcome (NB: Comments Caveat & Prophecy Protocol on homepage sidebar).