On the threshold…

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3.20 KJV)

White Door in Skydoor

After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.” Immediately I was in the Spirit; and… (Rev 4.1-2 NKJV)

The above image is not exactly what I saw, as recounted in 2/12 1st Sunday in Advent 2012. Invisible walls formed by the darkness of our bedroom contrasted strongly with a tall rectangular shape of light immediately before me. Yet, when considered along with the above scriptures this image does represent the real spiritual meaning of the softly glowing light that beckoned me.

One of the reasons this event is being revisited is because I’ve since had an increasing expectation within my spirit that today’s major national and international events are lining up with those prophesied in the Bible for the ‘Last Days’ or ‘End Times’. I’m not talking about the end of the world or the close of the ancient Mayan calendar, about which I’ve taken miniscule regard.  I’m think that its closure is merely indicative of such changes coming upon us that the world will no longer be as we once knew it. Of much that I could write, it seems that a greater emphasis needs to fall on the prophetic.

For example, the triple confirmation of ‘open door’ in that vision; viz. the arrival of Paul Keith Davis’ email about it that day, the manuscript note from 2005 in my Bible and then that Sunday’s church copy of the same newsletter, all shout ‘GOD-INCIDENCE’!  That is, the Lord is telling me something important – take notice! – and it’s not perhaps purely personal.

Soon afterwards I recalled one of the first times we heard Paul Keith’s teaching in Bath. We had aisle seats close to the front of the auditorium and at one point everyone stood up as he ministered from the front. A little later he walked up our aisle towards people at the back and, approaching us, he looked into our eyes and said, “Await His return!”

If you haven’t followed the previous post’s link to his e-newsletter A New Day Dawning, here’s the pertinent part of what Paul Keith writes:

The coming days will bring greater dimensions of darkness in the world; yet our hope is for the appearing of God’s weighty Presence…

The Open Door

As emphasized in Revelation 3:20, the Lord stands at the door and knocks and to him who hears and opens the door to his heart, the Lord will dine with him. This is an individual commission and requires an individual response. On the other side of the “open door” we will find Living Word revelation vital for this season and the Heavenly blueprint.

The fullness of the ministry model God has ordained to respond to the great needs and challenges of the 21st Century is not presently on the Earth. It is something that we must obtain from behind the veil in the unseen realm. It is the hidden manna reserved and set apart for this generation that will equip the Bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle and empower her for the harvest…

Dear reader, if you don’t know Jesus Christ you really have nothing to lose by opening the door into your own life and letting Him in. He won’t come unless you invite Him to come in and ‘sup’, or eat and drink as well as rest and relax. Furthermore, He brings His own refreshments for bringing real sustenance into your life.

So, if you haven’t yet done so, why not open the door?

1 thought on “On the threshold…

  1. Pingback: A new day dawns… | Richard's Watch

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