6 thoughts on “End-times Briefings Library

  1. Good morning Richard. In addition to my post, pray for your family, which you posted in your blog this morning, I felt it apropos to include the dream I had a few days ago as well.

    I begin this post with the following Scripture.

    Psalms 91:4 (NKJV) 4 He shall cover you with His feathers,
    And under His wings you shall take refuge;
    His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

    Early on the morning of April 30th I had the following dream. In the dream I was shopping at a big box store, I am purposefully omitting the name because of the nature of the dream. As I was shopping I started down as aisle and was blocked by a very large man from continuing to proceed down the aisle. I found it very frustrating that this man would not get out of the way and let me proceed down the aisle and continue shopping. Then my eyes were opened and I saw that this was not a man but rather a very large winged angel. As the angel’s identify was revealed to me there was a very large explosion. It was so loud and powerful that the building shook. As I looked around the angel’s wings I saw that there was total devastation and carnage everywhere yet I was protected. Hence the quote from Psalm 91. With a blast that massive I should have been part of the carnage but was instead protected. The source of the blast was not revealed to me in the dream although in light of the current geopolitical climate it would not surprise me to learn that it was a terrorist attack. I do sense that the Prince of Persia is trying to expand his territory and gain ground elsewhere so terror is definitely a way to strike fear in people thus gaining control over them

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  2. Perchance Richard have you reviewed your posting concerning Julie Green’s air raid sirens being heard in New York City? I posted that I saw that very thing back in October of 2023


    • LOL dear Tony, love to have time to review more than what’s in my focus. Happy for you to blog on their connections and I can re-blog, – btw Veronika has over 200 comments re Psalm 91 on her Fbk. Now I’ve returned from appointment my next is to connect yours to hers as the Lord’s 2nd GPS b4 house group tonight.


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