Trump Trial Travesty – the Lord’s response to Julie Green

First, I’m grateful for the service provided to support Julie’s ministry in monitoring and publishing news on Telegram’s Prophecies Fulfilled together with Director-Admin Tracy’s family connection to Sweet Manna Ministries hosting latest transcriptions yet to appear on Julie’s International Ministry.

In prepping first thing this morning for the previous post I’d noted how apposite the word is that Julie broadcast yesterday, so here are relevant extracts to our particular subject-in-hand (prophecies as yet untitled), underlining is mine. Also, today’s is especially relevant to an article I received by email, as in Footnote:


“My children, I am crashing your enemy’s parties. I am tearing apart their celebrations. I am bringing their governments to nothing. I am destroying their lies and their propaganda machines that try to cover up for them. No more cover-ups. No more twisting the truth so people are believing your lies. That is how your enemies of Almighty God have tried to destroy My Eagle. I told you that I have your videos. I have your phone calls, your computers, your servers. I have it and I have it all and it will soon be released.

Enemies of Almighty God, you haven’t seen anything yet of what will all be proven of all the crimes you have really committed. You thought that you had the Justice system paid off and destroyed to save you. You put people you wanted as judges, as jurors, as prosecutors, as defense lawyers. You thought it all through to cover your backsides, to have the law on your side. Well, you are about to see My justice rain down upon you and shatter the plans, shatter your courts, shatter your rulings that you have already made that did not follow the rule of law....”

“..My America, you are about to be shaken. A shaking that will continue to increase, when you grow closer to your election. Watch the Supreme Court ruling. It’s about to change everything and the Deep State will not like it…”

More evidence is coming out that down the indictments against My David. A great shock is coming to Capitol Hill that will destroy the swamp for their next moves.” Click to continue reading at ‘6/11/24


Julie: The Lord is revealing against bureaucrats and the system, and not our wonderful individuals in the military.)

God: “For I the Lord this day am telling My children, the walls are closing in on your enemies. They are trapped with nowhere to go, nowhere to run. I’ve told you repeatedly this is not their nation, this is not their world to take over. It’s Mine, and soon all will know it.

Military secrets are about to be leaked. Secrets how your government was helping foreign nations against you. Yes, against you. Do you know, My children in the land of My Eagle, these secrets will shock this nation? How your leaders were destroying it from within, and using some in your military to do it for them. Sabotaging military units and the soldiers to keep their secrets, destroying their lives, and for some or others they lost their lives entirely.

My children, much evil has gone on in your Pentagon that has helped the destruction of this nation. I will show you phone records and emails and private conversations showing you how deep and how dark all of this goes, and how many in your government paid for the murder of American soldiers after they completed these covert operations to hide and cover up their tracks. To keep these secrets and to keep their plans in motion to take down My Eagle. They have abandoned and damaged your soldiers on purpose. It’s all about to shake this nation.

There will be My vengeance, and there will by My restoration of what has been stolen from you. I told you, My children, to brace for what you’re about to hear ,because I’m about to make I clear who the real enemies are…”

Footnote: Last week I received the article from Julie Kelly’s Declassified Substack on General Milley, as shown below. I’m well aware of his treasonous direct connection with China’s military over the administration transition period Dec 20 – Jan 21. Guest author Haley McLean’s 10-page article concludes:

‘Milley’s Insurrection

Milley’s perception of President Trump as a classic authoritarian leader, his willingness to entertain the possibility of Trump engaging in a “Reichstag moment,” and his fears of supposed “Trumpian Brown Shirts fomenting violence,” seems to have influenced his command decisions in the days and weeks leading up to the joint session. While Milley is entitled to his personal political prejudices, it raises the question of whether he lost sight of the fact these were, after all, just his own politically inspired opinions about the president. Did he believe his convictions were so righteous that they justified overstepping legal boundaries and authorizing actions that could be seen as undermining the president’s authority?

The chaotic events of January 6, exacerbated and prolonged by the National Guard’s delayed response, evidently served no benefit to Trump or his allies and instead significantly bolstered the objectives of his adversaries. It’s no wonder the January 6 Committee, which appears solely focused on preventing Trump from ever taking office again, shows little interest in highlighting that Milley, who swore an oath to obey the orders of the President of the United States, embarked on a mission to defy the former Commander-in-Chief, and ultimately seems to have sabotaged President Trump on that day.’

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