Four Winds prophetic vision: 2024 The Transition – Kurt VandeGuchte

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Tiffany Root and Kirk VandeGuchte provide this transcript on Seeking The Glory of God Telegram channel on 24th November:


The Lord speaks to me (Kirk) today. He says: “Prophet, lift your eyes and see. I AM would show you some things.”

He continues, “Prophet, tell the people that I AM has a plan. One plan. Plan A. And it will be carried out on the earth. And tell them that My plans are good!

Now, about your enemy. He too makes plans, but his plans are destined to fail. Then he must formulate back-up plans and regroup to carry them out. What will he do? Is there anything he wouldn’t try to do? To what extreme would he go to keep his grip on the world?

Therefore, prepare yourselves then for this coming evil. Do not go into fear! But plan on seeing some of the enemy’s tactics displayed. Kill, steal, destroy – yes, this will happen. But do not back down or shy away. Remember, Plan A is still in effect. When the religious become downcast and want to give up, remember they were never with you anyway. When tempted to panic, remember I AM is still in charge!”

I’m taken in the Spirit to an unfamiliar place. There are many machines at work, earth-moving equipment, and scores of workers. Some are at work making new roads. There are a lot of engineers and surveyors laying out a great project. I asked in my mind, “What is this?” The voice of the Lord says,

“The capital city will no longer be separate from the states it governs over. It will be in and among the states and the people, for it will be under the same law and the same standards as the rest of the country over which it governs. It cannot be separate any longer.”

I continued to look over this great undertaking, and in doing so, I came to a building which was completely finished. It was big and white and had very broad steps leading up to it. There were people gathered everywhere. It was very crowded. Being in the spirit, I drifted over the top of this crowd and looked at the top of the stairs to a place where a podium stood. As I waited, I saw a man step up to the microphone and begin to speak. I couldn’t hear what he said, but he only spoke a few words, stretched forth his right hand, and ushered the next speaker to the mic.

Donald Trump then took his place before the people and began to speak. I still couldn’t hear what was said, but I watched, and when the first words came from him, the crowd went totally crazy hugging each other, throwing things in the air, crazy! In my mind I wondered what he might have said to get that reaction.

Again the Lord spoke: “He just took back his rightful spot as President.” WOW! I too felt just beside myself!

President Trump spoke for some time, then turned his back to the crowd, stretched out his right hand straight in front of himself, and began to slowly turn in a circle with his hand completely stretched out in front of him. He did a complete 360 degree circle. Again, the crowd went crazy!

I lifted my eyes right then as he swept his hand, and I saw everything that was wrong made right. Trash disappeared, the broken things were restored, the air cleared, the downcast were raised up, etc. I thought, “How weird. How could this happen?” Then I again heard the Lord: “I AM a Redeemer.” Amen.


Catching up late last Thursday with the day’s events over the ‘pond’ for my prophecy-related news channel I published the above therein. The long weekend intervened and I’m grateful to Tim Shey reminding me by email of it and providing ‘God-incidental’ confirmation, as follows:


I just read the text and saw the video of the 2024 Transition Prophecy & Vision.  It bears witness with my spirit.

This is God’s perfect timing.  Earlier today, two delivery trucks arrived at the restaurant where I work at.  One of the trucks delivered some boxes of vegetables and also two 2024 calendars from the Chinese Supermarket in Salt Lake City.  To me, this is God’s confirmation on the 2024 Transition Prophecy.  Praise the Lord!

I published the 2024 Transition Prophecy on my…blog:

High Plains Drifter: 2024 – The Transition Prophecy & Vision (

Also, in the 2024 Transition Prophecy, Kirk VandeGuchte said that when they were working on that new construction, it looked like somewhere in Texas.  Derek Johnson has said at least a few times that the new capital of the United States will probably be in Texas.

Derek Johnson & Riccardo Bosi – Texas the NEXT capital of USA? (1:10:30 – 1:11:40)

AustraliaOne Party – Riccardo Bosi and Guru Interview Derek Johnson (

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