Conspiracy Theories Proven #14: EIGHTEEN on Covid become FACTS!

Further to earlier postings in this series on the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, especially on the dangerous nature of mRNA vaccines, I can strongly recommend the following long-read by Ramesh Thakur.

Originally published by The Brownstone Institute where he is a Senior Scholar, another  link to The Free Thought Project may be easier if you like checking source references  in new windows) > 18 COVID ‘Conspiracy Theories’ that Turned Out to be Conspiracy FACTS

Therein, he examines how once great Britain became worse than totalitarian East Germany with our ‘stasi’ spying upon and even fining people for taking a walk!!

Ramesh is also a former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and an emeritus professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.

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