America’s Puppet-Master will bring the ‘Jenga tower’ down – Veronika West


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1 thought on “America’s Puppet-Master will bring the ‘Jenga tower’ down – Veronika West

  1. I believe it will happen and very soon. Never before have I know the hard left New Age liberals being defeated again and again. Up to now it has been more abortion more victory for homosexuality then transsexualism then promotion in schools. Now suddenly there is a reversal. Roe v Wade is reversed, abortion centres are closing. They can’t get “conversion therapy” bans through. The right for women only toilets is being asserted. The right for women’s only sports is being asserted over and over again. Major stories of transgender regret are coming through. Young people are leading the anti woke crusade. Conservative media are getting more views than what is now called corrupt media. The snow is melting. Aslan is on the move!

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