10th Anniversary of Richard’s Watch

Praise and thank The Lord The Almighty for His continual goodness, gracious mercy and favour

Ten years ago today I ventured into the public realm of blogging by launching Richard’s Watch as a way of informing people about how current events are foretold in Bible prophecy. Soon it would also cover contemporary prophetic words and visions

I’d already been updating personal friends about End-times by email since February 2009 as a result of having ‘heard’ upon opening my Bible, “This is ALL about to be fulfilled!”. (Details are in my very first email The End-game Is In Play.)

My decision to start writing was confirmed by a visiting prophet. However, around the time of dreaming about the Kingdom being set up and learning it relates to a prophetic word Bill Johnson brought on a change in the Church in the UK, as recounted here, I was getting increasing nudges to start a  blog.

Therefore, to celebrate this 10th anniversary I thank you personally for visiting and wish to welcome you, especially if you’re a regular reader, as in my very first post below:


Hello, I’m Richard Barker and welcome to my musings about what’s going on in the world and I trust this blog may help you gain some insights. Indeed, what on earth is going to happen next?

You may find some of my ideas challenging, even outlandish!  For instance, come along on an imaginary trip in a ‘time machine’ and, later, receive unusual instructions on how to tell the time!

Some pertinent points from my past are given in my Bio Info, where you’ll learn some facts about a seminal work that was to serve as a fascinating foundation for my appreciation of Bible prophecy.

Reading The Invisible Hand in the mid-1980s made me very aware of Middle Eastern and related events, all indicative of things not being as they may seem. I was amazed to learn they’re of major Biblical significance!  (More on the book in ‘Bio Info’ above) Bemused, therefore, I began to watch…:

A Supernatural Rescue

A couple of years later, I was alarmed to be unexpectedly faced with my own immediate demise – but I was blessed that a real, invisible hand saved me. The Living God made me an offer I simply couldn’t refuse. I gladly accepted His free gift of everlasting life, ie. Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection was for my personal benefit. Incredible!

As the Living God graciously and gently dealt with me I was completely turned around (ie. repentance) and cleansed of my involvement in yoga and the occult.  Some years later, I received training in and practised full gospel prayer ministry, as well as secular person-centred counselling.

Inner Eyes Descaled

As I got to grips with my new life in him, learned his ways and was introduced to his Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth – scales fell from my eyes!  Scriptures about what’s happening to the world became particularly clear.  In  February 2009 I began emailing Christian friends on connections between holy writ and current events after having been stunned upon opening my Bible. Two leaders of international ministries we were connected with had a strong difference of opinion over a particular parable of Jesus’.

You, dear reader, may be unaware of the exceptional relevance of a great chunk of the Old and New Testaments to today’s events.  Regrettably, many others are not only woefully uninformed but may also be quite biased against Christianity.  Therefore, I ask you to adopt an open mind as you mull over the themes and ideas expressed in this blog.

As not many people know of this, let’s seek an expert’s advice…(publishing 23rd Nov)

5 thoughts on “10th Anniversary of Richard’s Watch

  1. Congratulations, Brother Richard, on 10 years of steadfast and true watching and distributing of a wealth of valuable and enlightening information to a world full of menace and darkness. In the sea of chaos and conspiracy, may the Lord encourage and guide you to those key aspects that He wishes highlighting and broadcasting. Neil

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