Veronika West: exceptionally powerful vision re Brexit

Evenings are family time so don’t normally blog or go online, but today have opportunity to publish previous post on Brexit. I’ve been working at it on and off all day regarding Archbishop Justin Welby’s divisive remarks on it and decided to blog on that tomorrow. (See Cranmer Why Can’t Justin Welby Distinguish the Council of Europe from the EU? with my several comments thereto, plus Gavin Ashenden’s Welby Made Terrible Error of Judgement Endorsing EU’s Utopianism.)

Now as I’m about to sign off, ‘Lynne H’ kindly emails alerting me to Veronika’s live video this evening. I just don’t take time to read Facebook, let alone watch any video BUT this beckons AND she too is talking about having been directed to the Brexit issue TODAY!!  So watch and listen carefully – time to pray too! (Thank you Lord, Veronika and Lynne)



If unable to see video click on this hyperlink to Ignite Ireland Ministry.

Update: transcript and Veronika’s notes now available in next post >>

15 thoughts on “Veronika West: exceptionally powerful vision re Brexit

  1. I have noted much despondency and many comments online recently that people think the EU has won. Veronika and other prophetic contributors this week have issued a timely intercession that something powerful is about to happen.

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  2. Like Phil I have also noted and if I take any notice of the Bigoted Brainwashing Clowns (AKA BBC) and other such media it feels like the wishes of the people (and also our Father) are not being carried out, so really appreciate the words we have been given. I can’t remember who gave the word that Father was going to rip the heart out of the EU once we left but it really resonated with me, it will be the first time some of the countries will be really free. Even as young as I was and not a Christian to me it was insane for a Sovereign Nation to join such an organisation. Thanks Richard for posting and also for the transcription of video.

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  3. WoW what an outstandingly awesome vision. Recent visions, words and insights leave no doubt that the Lord has plans for the UK, as an independent nation under God, and He wants us involved in His purposes.
    I happen believe there are also good secular reasons for leaving. The central authority (largely unelected), was initially credited with creating economic wellbeing, but has difficulty sustaining that wellbeing. Underlying nationalism and an unwieldy central monetary policy which, in effect, imposes a single interest rate on all countries and leads to an unmanageable imbalance between strong and weak economies, is undermining the EU vision, in similar vein to the demise of the USSR. Brexit threatens to precipitate the break-up of the EU. It is propelling the various Eurosceptic political movements to renewed vigour – what they thought improbable (leaving the EU) they now see as a distinct possibility.
    Whatever people may say; Brexit is the worst predicament the EU has ever faced and the 5 icebergs (nations) that follow in Veronica’s vision are readying in the wings. I thank God for His rescue plan.

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  4. Pingback: Veronika West: exceptionally powerful vision re Brexit | The Road

  5. Hi Richard found this thru another’s blog post I was notified of on my blog. I have been wondering about the UK lately especially as my grandparents were from England (mom’s parents) and Wales (dad’s parents). Sir Enoch Powell foresaw this mess the UK finds itself in nowadays and was vilified for it and Heath kicked him out of the party after popular support for Powell helped conservative party win. Now when I see what they’re doing to Tommy Robinson to get him killed in order to shut him up I’m at a great loss to fathom why the UK allowed itself to fall so far

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    • Thanks for dropping by Paul. A few hours ago Veronika posted this:
      ‘8 Nights ago I was woken by the Holy Spirit who told me, “GET UP AND PRAY FOR TOMMY ROBINSON FOR THERE ARE THOSE WHO ARE PLOTTING AND SCHEMING TO HAVE HIM MURDERED AND JUST LIKE JOHN THE BAPTIST THEY DEMANDED HIS HEAD, SO THERE ARE THOSE WHO HAVE DEMANDED THE HEAD OF TOMMY ROBINSON”! (Now At first this took me by surprise because I was unaware of who Tommy Robinson was, let alone what he stood for). BUT all I knew at that moment was that Tommy Robinson was VERY MUCH ON GODS HEART.

      ‘So as I began to pray for Tommy Robinson a powerful vision opened up to me where I saw an Anemometer (which is a wind vane) spinning around violently and then I heard the Spirit say, “GET READY! FOR THE WHIRLWINDS OF WILBERFORCE DRAWS NEAR IN THIS HOUR”! Then suddenly the vision shifted and I was standing high above the Nation of the United Kingdom and I saw a Mighty Whirlwind moving towards the Nation with great power and acceleration…’ (

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    • Yes, but since I started blogging (and maybe part of the reason) there’s been a rapidly increasing acceleration in fulfillment of both biblical and contemporary prophecies. For example, see recent posts on Fulfilled Prophecy #13 (fall of EU) and run through tags on ‘Acceleration’ and ‘Bible Updates’.

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  6. Pingback: UPDATE ON TOMMY ROBINSON | Gitardood's Weblog

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