Washed Away 

Yes please and amen Lord

My Dreams and Visions

I had a dream last night where I saw a preacher standing at a pulpit preaching when all of a sudden a tsunami-like wave appeared and hit him taking both he and the pulpit he was standing at away. There was no evidence that he nor his pulpit were ever there after the wave struck.

What is amazing is that this preacher was in a building preaching when the wave struck which in the natural cannot happen.

A tsunami does not come without an earthquake, a shaking, if you will. After the quake a tsunami warning is issued just as in the case of Japan a few years back.

What I sensed is the preacher standing behind the pulpit was preaching false doctrine. Apparently he ignored the warnings, that the doctrine he was preaching was not of God, and was swept away. One thing I did note is that the…

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