Eat This Bread, Live For Ever

food-23453_640Fascinating ideas here marry science to the concept of ‘trans-substantiation’ (bread and wine become Christ’s body and blood). They lead to the inescapable conclusion that in absorbing Jesus’ DNA we receive not only Father’s DNA but also His mother’s DNA – a Jewish virgin! (Thus taking Romans 11 to a deeper level.) Therefore, anti-Semitism should have absolutely no place within those in Christ! Thank you Mike. Interesting comments too…

Sons of Issachar

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?
Yet You have made him a little lower than God,
And You crown (surround) him with glory and majesty!
You make him to rule over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet,
(Psalm 8:4-6).

It has always been God’s intention to have a people who would rule over the planet – and the universe – on His behalf. Man was to begin with the garden God made for him, and then go on to fill the rest of creation with the image and likeness of God. What was in heaven would be manifested on earth, and we would bring that rule of heaven to earth through our lives. We are made in the image of God, and are to be…

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4 thoughts on “Eat This Bread, Live For Ever

  1. I do not believe there is enough biblical citation for any of the theories (that’s what they are) on that post. Sounds a lot like Witness Lee teachings and seems to leave some people confused about the simplicity of the gospel of Christ. Just leaving my two cents.


    • Thanks for being so timely (Lindsay?). It’s helpful finding your emailed comment after Bank Hol weekend because, as we broke bread this morning, I’d wanted to look up my preceding remarks. So yours is a quick link.

      The Gospel of salvation is straightforward and scripture the plumb-line, yet that doesn’t stop us thinking around the subjects and receiving insights and putting things that seem possible in the pending tray until verified. I remain open-minded and appreciate your comments on the original posting.


      • Yes, Lindsey. Glad to help with finding the links you needed. ha
        I agree that we can have pending thoughts and ideas but there is a big difference in being led by the Spirit and coming up with our own ideas and running with them, teaching others it’s a “true concept” they have to learn.
        To be completely honest, the writings resemble much of the New Age and Transhumanism agenda that the Lord pointed out through discernment with myself and others I know. It also ties in along the lines of being one that will quickly fall in line with those accepting a one world religion, having no problem falling in line under a religious ruler, much like small-time cult teachings.


        • Posted that before finished, sorry.
          If people are teaching things that are “new ideas” or something that no one seems to have through gospel, where are they getting their information? Who is giving it to them? Has it been justified, balanced, cited and verified?
          Remember, there is nothing new under the sun and there are no grey areas when it comes to truth.

          Ecclesiastes 1:9
          The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.


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