Spiritual well of Revival in President Donald Trump’s bloodline


Trump at 3-5 Tong on the island of Lewis Photograph by Murdo MacLeod

Did you know that President Donald J. Trump has two great aunts that prayed the Hebrides Revival down from heaven between 1949 and 1952? The Hebrides Islands are off the west coast of Scotland.

In the late 1940s, there were two elderly sisters that were too frail to attend public services – 84-year-old Peggy Smith was blind and 82-year-old Christine Smith was almost bent over double from arthritis. Their humble Scottish cottage on the isle of Lewis in the small fishing village of Barvas became their sanctuary where they petitioned God day and night for a promise given to them “I will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground.”

One night, Peggy received a revelation that revival was coming and the church of their fathers would be crowded again with young people. Peggy sent for Reverend James Murray MacKay to tell him to call…

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