Return to ‘Rupture, not Rapture’ – Veronika West (GPS 106.1)

FATHER’S DAY GPS (Global Prophecy Signal) 106.1 – Yet more details relating to Hebrews 12:26-27 that the Lord dropped onto me over 25 years ago at house group, but which nobody could explain or provide any insight:

‘At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.’

Yesterday, Veronika West writes on Facebook ,


So today I was taken back to this poignant prophetic Word,…”You Say Rapture…But I Say Rupture”….

As I was before the Lord I heard these words..”There is a sudden and violent Shaking that is Coming,…that will prepare the foundations of Remnant Nations to Carry the Weight of My Glory and Great Awakening”…

…A few days ago a friend of mine was sharing with me that she had a powerful dream of a great Tsunami….and then a week or so later she had a very significant dream of a mighty Earthquake that took place deep underground that literally shook the very foundations of Nations,…while we were sharing,…about her two dreams, I knew by the Spirit that both her dreams,…were intrinsically connected….

…The Spirit of Revelation had shown her first a Great Tsunami that was coming to the Nations…and then a Mighty Earthquake that would shake the foundations of Nations….; I believe that the dreams were speaking to a powerful Prophetic sequence,…a poignant Kairos time on God’s Calendar….;

I submit, God is now dealing with the Foundations of Nations,…the Root Systems of Nations is being meticulously inspected,…God is exposing the Rot of Unrighteous Roots that have defiled the fruits,…and He is Uncovering the Cracks and the Deep fractures that have brought mixture and created false foundations…; ALL THAT CAN BE SHAKEN, WILL BE SHAKEN,…

He is Cleansing and Purifying the Root Systems and He is taking Nations back to their Covenant Foundations….; He must and will Prepare the Foundations of Nations before the Weight of His Glory can come,…The Glory carries Great Weight and if the Foundations are not prepared to Carry the Weight of the Glory…the Glory will bring great destruction and not Divine Restoration…!!


Ha! So take heart Beloved,..That When the Great and Violent Shaking Comes and it surely will,…; KNOW THIS…THE REDEMPTIVE PLAN OF GOD IN THE MIDST OF THE GORY IS TO PREPARE A RESTING PLACE FOR HIS GLORY…!!!

RB: Link to prophetic dream and word Veronika cites:

48 minutes again! Not Rapture but ‘rupture’, says The Lord – Veronika West

1 thought on “Return to ‘Rupture, not Rapture’ – Veronika West (GPS 106.1)

  1. Richard do you recall the following dreams I’ve had on Tsunami’s?
    I had a dream where I was in the aftermath of a tsunami. I was in a rowboat and all around me were church buildings that had been demolished by the tsunami parts of which were floating in the water a d I could tell that they had been part of a church. It was dangerous to be in the water because of the demolished buildings and it was also very difficult to navigate. If I remember correctly it was also night. In the natural one would not venture out in such conditions nevertheless this is where I was. There were people in the water that I was pulling into the boat I was in. I am guessing that they had been in the church buildings that had been demolished by the tsunami. In the previous tsunami dreams I’ve posted on this blog they have referred to a great move of the Holy Spirit. This current dream also represents a move of the Holy Spirit, the same move, I believe, and those in the water who were in the church buildings were now needing rescued. What comes to mind is the following passage of scripture from the gospel of Matthew.

    Mat 7:24 — Mat 7:26 (NKJV Strong’s)
    Build on the Rock

    “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
    “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:Matthew 7:27 (NKJV Strong’s)
    and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”

    Wind and water are both symbolic of the Holy Spirit. Those whose foundation are Jesus Christ will stand. The wind and the waves come to test the foundation.

    I had one of those nights where I was in and out of sleep. In spite of this, however,  I had a dream. In the dream I saw a tsunami wave and in the dream I knew that the United States was where this was happening. A tsunami is caused by an earthquake in the natural but I would call it a shaking in the spiritual. In any event this tsunami was unlike any I had ever seen before in that the wave didn’t seem to recede but just kept moving. Secondly the wave was kicking up a lot of dust and other things as it moved.  Things are going to  exposed.   Again, not normal of any tsunami I had ever heard of. What I also saw in the dream was dry parched, cracked earth that I imagine hadn’t seen water in many years hence the cloud of dust being produced by the tsunami. After the tsunami passed over, the area behind it was no longer a barren wasteland but now green with vegetation.

    What I heard in the dream and believe it to be the Lord speaking is as  follows :

    Where it was said this is impossible will not be impossible to the Lord. Where there was no life there will be life. I believe that the Lord is about to move in places that believers wouldn’t dream of going to.

    My interpretation of the dream is the tsunami is a moving of Gods Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord is going to move in places and do things that were thought to be impossible by believers.

    As with anything I post,  take this to the Lord in prayer.

    I had a dream 3/4/2013. In this dream I saw a Tsunami sized wave  hit  New York. The wave hit the financial areas, banks, stock markets, NASDAQ, etc.  A Tsunami has to be triggered by an earthquake. So an event, which was not disclosed to me in the dream, will most likely trigger this financial Tsunami. As the wave hit I saw building after building topple and fall into other buildings which means that the crash of one will trigger the crash of the next. I saw in the aftermath the devastation of what had occurred. I saw buildings once standing proudly, a key word here, now on their sides in the water that the Tsunami left. What I heard in the dream was the following Scripture, Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. (Rom 13:8) I had a vision in November of 2012 I believe is related to this dream. In this vision I saw homeless people dressed in shabby clothing and they were standing over a barrel that had a fire going in it to keep warm. What was odd here is that it wasn’t wood or newspaper that they were burning. It was money that they were using as fuel to stay warm,  They were burning the currency of the US to keep them warm.

    This tells me that the dollar would be worthless which means savings account, 401K’s , pension plans, etc. would also be worthless.

    One of the last things I heard in the dream is to owe no man anything which is a warning not to incur debt and to pay off any debt, if possible, that you may now have

    I had a vision on the morning of 9/3/2010 , I kept hearing the word, “wave”, and wondered as to its meaning. I was then shown a wave the size of a tsunami and I was on a surf board riding the wave. The Tsunami was heading for the United States, and, as you know, A Tsunami is caused by an earthquake in the sea which indicates to me a shaking, a great shaking. This tsunami is a move of the Holy Spirit of gigantic proportions that is coming to the United States. It is my belief that it will impact the west coast first as this is where surfing is popular. In order to be a part of this you have to swim out into the deep in order to catch the wave and be able to ride the wave. In shallow water, you call the shots and can get out as fast as you got in. In deep water, however, the water calls the shots and you either cooperate with the water or fight against it and drown.
    Those who are foolish enough to oppose the wave and stand in front of it will be destroyed. Those who are cowardly and run to higher ground to get away from the wave will miss the move altogether. The wave will be stirring up things that have been buried for a long time and bringing them to the surface, i.e., like when the demon possessed man shouted at Jesus in the synagogue, “I know who you are, you are the Son of God” . This man had been there for a while and the demon was comfortable and thus quit. All that is about to change in a very big way,

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