Jesus Christ’s identity hidden in the Bible’s first sentence

Tim Shey comments on the crucifixion post, “The First Word in the Bible says Jesus is God and He Will Die on the Cross” and he provides this excellent 10 minutes video:

The video was included when I posted the original of this item, which was based upon Jonathan Hill’s book Unlocking the Sign Miracles of John. I’ll tell more in a day or so, but to continue:


In Appendix I (pages 202-203) on the meaning of number 37 and its palindromic partner 73, Jonathan says both form the numerical value for the fundamental Hebrew word ‘wisdom’. He tells how this pair play a role in a multiplication, the result being the precise number of the Hebrew for the creation verse of Genesis 1:1. He goes on to relate this to 666 and a diagrammatic representation, which he interprets as meaning:

‘This transformation represents the dispensational truth that at the second coming of Christ, the dominant spiritual hierarchy of the world changes from 666, the number of the ‘beast’, to 12 – the governmental number of Israel. All this information including this powerful intervention of God is elegantly and visually encoded in the first verse of the Bible.’

This claim continues by divulging this astounding mystery:

REVELATION 1:8, 11 – 21:6 – 22:13

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (NKJV,


If you’ve yet to read my overview of Jonathan’s book Unlocking the Sign Miracles of John go to Astonishing Mathematics Within Genesis 1.1 & John 1.1, and continue for more details at Amazing Geometrical Symmetry of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1


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