Update on 2018 ‘America: Watch, the giants will fall…’ prophecy – 4: Newsmix on Clinton, Bidens, Z-berg, bio-labs, ‘vaccines’ etc.

For information, here’s news of continuing exposures from Richard’s Watch Telegram subsequent to Why worse than Watergate: It’s well-documented transnational crime…


Now after that inserted postscript, to continue:

I added the following image as a PS on 4 April. An extract from the news on Zuckerberg and 2020 rigged election is separate set of images at the footer – get set for a fast scroll of headers and snippets:


Opening paragraphs of  Rebecca Downs’ report:

Continue reading at https://townhall.com/tipsheet/rebeccadowns/2022/04/02/mark-zuckerberg-involved-in-significant-2020-election-interference-new-documentar-n2605409

Your comments are warmly welcome (NB: Comments Caveat & Prophecy Protocol on homepage sidebar).