CDC (USA) claims it has authority to use police to do everything you see going on in Australia; and Congress agrees — Leo Hohmann

We’ve arrived at the imposition of the New World Order as foreseen 25 years ago by a renowned Kiwi end-times teacher, and others – in fact, we’re now beyond it: once democratic nations are becoming  totalitarian and violent against their citizens.

We’ve all seen the videos from Australia. Police chasing down and beating a helpless woman, shooting rubber bullets at construction workers who violate that country’s draconian lockdown rules. A 12-year-old girl gets pepper-sprayed for not wearing a mask!!

Watch the horrific excuse for policing below. ‘How Australia plans on beating COVID’

Do not be fooled into thinking this is just an Australian thing, never to happen in America. Check out below what’s going on in Israel, where IDF soldiers are being forcibly jabbed in the middle of the night. […continue reading at..] CDC claims it has authority to use police to do everything you see going on in Australia; and Congress agrees —

In this post we see America and Australia affected by demonic direction – BUT God..!

Internationally renowned Barry Smith started writing this book in April 1995 and  it was completed in October 1996. It is sub-titled ‘Or, The Secretive World Take-over’. Often in his books and lectures he’d repeat that New Zealand had become the guinea pig of the New World Order (aka Deep-State, aka The Great Reset) for introducing its policies of global control. 

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