The real Covid conspiracy theory – 12 straight facts

BY way of clarifying my thoughts in publishing my approach to conspiracy theories and the so-called ‘pandemic’, Jonathan Ely has posted a robust, factual exposition at Spirit Body Soul on the theories national ‘authorities’ dictate. My friend of many years writes:

‘Was just debating with someone who accused me of believing conspiracies. So I said to him that he is the conspiracy theorist because he does this:

1. Ignores over 15,000 eminent doctors scientists and epidemiologists, who signed the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD).

2. Ignores the WHO who tell you lockdowns only cause poverty.

3. Relies upon hypocritical Neil Ferguson whose models have totally and utterly failed many times. [He’s infamous for the near-collapse of the farming industry over BSE or ‘mad-cow disease’. RB]

4. Relies on Vallance who has massive vested interests in vaccine companies.

5. Ignores what manufacturers and inventors of the PCR test tell you about their machine not being for diagnostic purposes and which produce a high proportion of false positives.

6. Believes Matt Hancock when he has been proven to tell lies multiple times.

7. Has totally overreacted to a virus that now is about the 24th killer, less than 2% of all deaths.

8. Wants to spend billions to eradicate a virus that we won’t succeed in eradicating, by destroying economies, NHS, people’s mental health and ultimately killing lots of people in the process.

9. Wants to be tested and traced by a crazy system that they are spending billions on making the discredited Serco company rich.

10. Wants a tracking app that has multiple technical issues and has been ill-thought out.

11. You want lots of our freedoms, fun and social contact removed just to protect from <2% of deaths.

12. Wants a vaccine that won’t have been properly tested, that won’t work in many cases, that has significant side effects, for which there is no indemnity against the manufacturers.’

‘Second Wave’ (RB)

BUT what about this ‘second wave’ that’s causing another series of lockdowns across the UK and Europe? Now IF the claimed statistics and predictions are true, the actual cause and problems could have arisen because Covid-19 is a bio-weapon, as blogged in some depth here and here.

In my humble opinion there’s also a strong possibility the prolonged wearing of masks has contributed significantly to this second wave, which is not abnormal in epidemics.

I’m aware there’s ongoing deep debate within the scientific community, but you may wish to read this from pages 10-11 of Dr Jim Meehan’s 47-page, illuminating, easy-to-read paper [NB: pp 14-19 cover in technical depth ‘The Fallacious Argument “Well if masks don’t work then why do surgeons wear them?“]  Click title to read in full:

An Evidence-based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary and Harmful 

Dr. Russell Blaylock (one of many sources Dr Meehan quotes), a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and lecturer warns that not only do face masks fail to protect the healthy from getting sick, but they also create serious health risks to the wearer.

  • Dr. Russell Blaylock, Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy, Technocracy News & Trends, (posted May 11, 2020).
  • [Recent studies] found that about a third of the [healthcare] workers developed headaches with use of the mask, most had pre-existing headaches that were worsened by the mask wearing, and 60% required pain medications for relief. As to the cause of the headaches, while straps and pressure from the mask could be causative, the bulk of the evidence points toward hypoxia and/or hypercapnia as the cause. That is, a reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) or an elevation in blood C02 – carbon dioxide (hypercapnia).
  • It is known that the N95 mask, if worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygenation as much as 20%, which can lead to a loss of consciousness.
  • The importance of these findings is that a drop in oxygen levels (hypoxia) is associated with an impairment in immunity. Studies have shown that hypoxia can inhibit the type of main immune cells used to fight viral infections called the CD4+ T-lymphocyte.
  • This occurs because the hypoxia increases the level of a compound called hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), which inhibits T-lymphocytes and stimulates a powerful immune inhibitor cell called the Tregs.
  • This sets the stage for contracting any infection, including COVID-19 and making the consequences of that infection much graver. In essence, your mask may very well put you at an increased risk of infections and if so, having a much worse outcome

About the Author: Jim Meehan, MD, is an ophthalmologist and preventive medicine specialist with over 20 years of experience and advanced training in immunology, inflammation and infectious disease and has performed well over 10,000 surgical procedures. His research experience includes investigating associations between military vaccinations and Gulf War Syndrome. Dr. Meehan is also trained in internal medicine, addiction medicine, endocrinology, integrative medicine, functional medicine, and nutrition.

Dr. Meehan has, as former editor of the medical journal Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, peer-reviewed thousands of medical research studies. This experience and expertise, led him to dedicate his career to protecting his patients and the public from the fraud, corruption, and pseudoscience so often used by agents and agencies whose motives and interests have resulted in American medicine and pharmaceutical drugs becoming the third leading cause of death in the United States.

4 thoughts on “The real Covid conspiracy theory – 12 straight facts

  1. It’s really hard to know what to believe. The scientists keep coming up with different studies and different opinions. I do know that I will be very wary of any vaccine until it’s been tried and tested for a long time to come. But then I try and avoid any medication unless absolutely necessary, even things like Paracetamol. (Although I was very glad for morphine when in acute pain from gallstones…and obviously medicine does help with all kinds of conditions. And where would we be iwthout measles, polio etc etc vaccines)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. For those who want to put their trust in the Pharmaceutical Industry to save them, here’s what one of their big bosses said about themselves.-
    Glaxo Chief – ‘Our Drugs Do Not Work On Most Patients’

    Glaxo chief: Our drugs do not work on most patients

    The prime reason for the existence of the Pharmaceutical industry is not saving lives, but getting people to spend lots of money on drugs.
    And you obviously don’t make money if you heal people too quickly, so why would you manufacture drugs that instantly heal, when you can make drugs that people need again and again and again and again and again….. ad infinitum!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Bob,
      drugs do not heal, they cannot make you whole (from where the word ‘to heal’ is derived); This would only work if the lack of the same drug had caused the illness. I am not talking about lack of nutrients.
      Drugs may alleviate or poison the sick person further. You can only get ‘whole’ = healthy when the underlying disturbance within you gets corrected. There are only two persons who can do that: yourself the patient and God.The same applies to injuries: no drug in the world can knit a broken bone or lacerated tissue.
      I am a GP qualified in the 1980ies.

      Liked by 1 person

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