Midnight news confirms yesterday’s blog on Covid-19 effects

This news will come as no surprise to those who read my blog of yesterday in which I give more details of a report cited by William Koenig that foresees post-Covid debility. Naturally, I take no delight whatsoever in getting a ‘bull’s eye’ on this occasion!  So please take note:

Click image to read article in full

In the first minute of today a report reflecting my blog’s content was published by the Telegraph. Their science editor Sarah Knapton begins her report as follows:

“Long Covid” is genuine and leaves patients suffering debilitating symptoms for many months after their recovery from coronavirus, experts have confirmed.  Campaign groups supporting survivors of the virus have previously warned that doctors are dismissing ongoing problems or misdiagnosing the ongoing effects of Covid-19 as chronic fatigue syndrome.

‘But in the first study to show a conclusive pattern, researchers at North Bristol NHS Trust found that three quarters of virus patients treated at Bristol’s Southmead Hospital were still experiencing problems three months later. Symptoms included breathlessness, excessive fatigue and muscle aches, leaving people struggling to wash, dress and return to work.

‘Dr David Arnold, of North Bristol NHS Trust, said: “This research helps to describe what many coronavirus patients have been telling us – they are still breathless, tired, and not sleeping well months after admission.” 

The medical report in Koenig’s Eye View from the White House published 10th July states specifically (emphases mine):

‘..we will have residual side-effects and most likely more to come because we are asking our bodies to deal with an issue they have not faced before in all of humanity. No one is prepared for this. Not even those who most likely sequenced this virus know or understand the residual effects nor will they with the next Covid-20…’


Once again, timing proves extraordinary and – even in perversity – demonstrates this is all part of the Lord’s ‘invisible jigsaw’. Being Thursday, today would be devoted primarily to blogging, and my looser schedule for summer-time means items don’t get written or replied to until free-time becomes available. I’d laid aside, therefore, any intention of re-publishing Stephen Mosher’s article on professor Tritto’s denunciations. News of Matt Hancock’s announcement, however, needed attention and required addition of Mosher’s relevant item.

It just so happens (!!) that we swapped our Wed and Thurs around for a coffee morning for a friend. AND it just so happens the weather co-operated too, because this morning was fine and sunny for sitting in the garden, whereas all yesterday was heavy rain and only fit for my being indoors. HENCE, I was able to see that news item and write two blogs on it and the related material – as here and then here!!!

Therefore, had our personal schedule not been re-arranged and the weather complied with both days’ activities, then yesterday’s blog would not have given a relevant lead-in to the article Sarah Knapton was about to write, if not already writing!

AND neither you nor I would be any the wiser over any of this….so ‘Thank You, Lord’!

Images courtesy Freedigitalphotos.net:
  • Hand with News Icon by Watcharakun,
  • Puzzle In Sky by Idea Go.

5 thoughts on “Midnight news confirms yesterday’s blog on Covid-19 effects

  1. Hi Richard..

    Earlier in the onset of the Covid 19 onset I felt Holy Spirit saying that this “virus” was genetically engineered and was targeted at certain ethnic groups and the elderly. Not long afterwards this groupings were then highlighted as being most at risk groups.

    Read your blog re the “genetic warfare” yesterday! Last night my husband and I were watching an episode of “Spooks” first broadcast about nine years ago and the story line involved a “genetic warfare” biological agent which would target ethic groups. I know this was fictional but just felt it was confirmation. We have never watched Spooks series before and have been amazed at the countless references to a New World Order etc. I believe that this is conditioning and preparing the general public to these matters.I

    Would value any comments.

    Yours Maggie Spielman Wessex House of Prayer and Prophetic Centre

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