A Directive: Urgent Word for the Global Church (GPS #47.4)

There’s no such thing as ‘coincidence,’ especially for those walking-in-the-Spirit when we realise such events are ‘God-incidents’, as though the Lord is giving messages by His GPS, or ‘Global Prophecy Signalling’ system.  When we start putting it all together we can easily see that prophecies and insights are pieces of His invisible jigsaw puzzle that takes shape before us showing aspects and perspectives upon a HUGE Heavenly Blueprint – even a road-map, as Abel Praise found.

So here are the pieces for the 47th such instance, which is interesting number as 1947 was the year of Smith-Wigglesworth’s prophecy of a major move of the Holy Spirit in Britain, as well as being my birth-year. The picture on these 47th signals or pieces is of The Church:

  • GPS 47.1 – On 29th April Tony Puccio in Tucson, USA, blogs about a tornado turning churches upside-down. (I recalled picture possibly from Revd Thomas Harry’s paper; but where and when? Found at Confirmations of 2016’s Prophetici Words for a New Season.)
  • GPS 47.2 – On 30th April J.A.C. Laferriere in Ontario, Canada, replies to my request of the 29th with details of Geraldine Fisher’s prophecy on those ‘playing church’.
  • GPS 47.3 – that weekend was the middle of fortnight drafting this dual-post on Revd Christopher Wickland of Fareham, England‘s pre-death prophecy. (Delay arising from situation of Nina having fractured a knee-cap, so posted 7th May).
  • GPS 47.4 – 1st May is very significant for Thomas Harry, pastor of Falkirk Full Gospel Church in Scotland, as told in his article linked below.
  • GPS 47.5 – message today from Abel Praise in Nigeria, simultaneously connects into 2016 -WOW!  (The emerging piece in above illustration? See next post.)

A week ago today, Thursday 7th May, pastor Thomas emails me as follows:

‘Dear Richard – Greetings, hope you are doing well. Been a long time and it truly is an amazing time we are in.

‘The Lord gave me a word for the global church and I believe it is a major confirmation of some of the prophecies we have received. Felt to share with you as we truly are on verge of greatest awakening ever.

‘Would be great if you could raise awareness and share with others as I believe it is key for the church just now. I believe it would be a major blessing for your readers and help them prepare for this historic moment that we have all longed for.

Blessings, Thomas

He then provides the intro to URGENT WORD FOR THE GLOBAL CHURCH

‘Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

‘I urge you to take the time to read this word which I believe to be one of the most urgent for the body of Christ in many years. We live in an unprecedented time where believer and unbelievers are trying to understand where we are and where we are going. This word has not been released lightly and is not simply another word or prophecy, but direction from the Lord that will help prepare us for the history changing moment right in front of us.

‘What is ahead is greater than the Reformation and will have a bigger impact than that. This will be a reformation of the world as we know it, not just a doctrine within Christianity. Most of the world believe this pandemic is the defining moment of 2020 and indeed recent history – it is not! It is about to fade into a low background noise and a mere footnote of history compared to what God is about to do. Our Almighty, Eternal God can never be triumphed over by a disease.

‘So I urge you to prepare and open your heart as we are on the precipice of one of the defining moments in history similar to Noah’s flood, Israel being delivered from Egypt and other historical milestones…’ (continue reading at link’s SECOND paragraph)

Immediately, I’m struck by Thomas referring specifically to the Lord as ‘Our Almighty, Eternal God’, which is how I addressed Him when enquiring about the origin of the pandemic, as told here.  And so I follow the link and, finding it’s a lengthy read, I print a hard-copy for reading at leisure over the weekend.


My hard-copy is covered in highlighter pen as so many points are personally poignant. I may share them soon.

AND I FIND THAT OUR ‘GPS’ WEEKEND FEATURES SIGNIFICANTLY!!  Although published on Z3News.com a week ago today, Thomas writes therein (underline mine),

‘..on 1st of May, I had the most unique spiritual experience of my life. I woke from sleep and felt something like a spiritual lightning go through my being. There was a momentary spiritual battle and then I suddenly knew and declared out loud: “The Greatest Outpouring and Harvest in history is about to happen”. It was the clearest God has ever spoken to me in my entire life…’

‘Direction’ from The Lord on:
  • Our Focus – Prepare For The Day Of His Power
  • World At A Standstill – God’s Greater Plan
  • Glory Arising on Believers – Example of John G Lake
  • Greatest Awakening The World Has Ever Seen
  • Why A Great Awakening Now?
  • Unprecedented Signs & Wonders
  • Be Bold or Miss Your Time Of Visitation – Where Were The 380?
  • Restoration Of The Fear Of God
  • Persecution Inside & Outside Church
  • Beware of Jealousy – Rise of Esthers, Josephs & Daniels
  • Tsunami of Prayer Leading to Tsunami of God’s Glory – No More Grey Areas
  • How Do We Prepare? – Focused Time With Jesus

Upon re-reading this early last Sunday morning I noticed Thomas’ reference to ‘We are going from outbreak to Out-Bread – where the experience of Jesus as the Bread of Life will multiply across the earth.’  Before we rise for the day we break bread and pray from Keep Praying & Bless – amazed to read Sunday’s decree: “I Am The Bread Of Life!”


May you be thoroughly blessed…


7 thoughts on “A Directive: Urgent Word for the Global Church (GPS #47.4)

  1. All I can say is, ‘Wow’! And in a way, it doesn’t surprise me…although have been waiting and praying for years and years…to the point, almost, thinking that it probably won’t happen for possibly decades and decades more. And yet, at the same time, believing that it could and can. And so, persevering.
    I know that God does things in His own timing. However, I also believe that we have to co-operate with Him and pray/intercede/do spiritual battle in the Holy Spirit, following His direction and leading. It is, in my opinion, a little like the Israelite wandering in the desert. Apparently they could have all got across to the Promised Land sooner, had they followed God aright. But like those Israelites, it can be so easy to lose heart. We have to maintain trust and faith in Him and not give up (although it gets very hard). Like the man knocking on the neighbour’s door at night, until he eventually opened the door to him and gave him what he needed.
    This is such an encouraging (yet somewhat scary, in some ways ) word. There will be so much upheaval and overturning of things, it’s hard to imagine.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I wonder if you’ve seen this article from Premier Christianity magazine which describes some statistics on how faith suddenly seems to be growing:
    55% increase in sales of Bibles, no less! Obviously facts like that on their own don’t mean much (there is always a surge of interest in times of trial, I think, such as during the wars, and it can fade very quickly after the difficulties have passed) but put together with all the prophecy there has been in recent times it seems suddenly more significant.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I think we should proceed with great caution as we are warned that there will be counterfeit “lying signs and wonders” before or together with genuine new outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We need earnestly pray for continual, personal, discernment and protection.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agreed Mary and I too have thought about that regarding to the whole scenario.

      Part of 1Cor 14:29 weighing with the Lord and others involves their input and confirmation – hence my stressing this by means of messages from the Lord. Also one’s own Spirit-to-spirit communication brings that discernment along with confirmatory details, and I intend telling mine in due course.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I believe the following – received through your site – to be very significant – especially as the enemy did his best to prevent it being seen ……


        Pastor Chris wrote at the end of April …..

        – “I just want to share this prophetic word.
        I was looking through my phone and I found this. (The current date is..we are in April 2020).
        As I was looking through my phone of prophecies I found this one called ‘The Humbling of Great Britain’, which I’d never put out before.

        I completely forgot about it.

        So I think in the light of what’s going on at the moment, it is very relevant.

        It is a warning, but it is also an encouragement of what God is doing in our land.
        I thought I should release this now.
        As I said, this was given in November 2019. This was just before I died as well, (CPR and five defibrillator shocks revived me – brain damage assumed – coma induced – as shown by CCTV on BBC programme ‘ Close Call’ with Nick Knowles commentating.) so it is quite a significant prophecy.

        And as I said, I’d forgotten all about it.

        I just found it on my phone, but I feel it’s important to release it, so I’ll leave it with you.

        Please listen, please enjoy, please be blessed, and please spread it around as well.”

        THE HUMBLING OF GREAT BRITAIN (November 2019)

        (So this was given when behaviour in Parliament was at its worst – 3 weeks before the 12th Dec landslide election – before Brexit happened – before Boris and all new MPs were installed – before Boris’s near death experience and all the Pandemic is causing !!

        “I will have the people in this land in derision”, says the Lord. “I will pour out my Spirit on this land, and those people that have called to come together to conspire, to tear down My ways and My precepts and My ordinances from this land – this green and pleasant land. Mark My words: I will have them in derision. I am in the heavens and I laugh at their futility, at the things that they’re attempting to do, to close Me off and shut Me off from My own creation and so close down and shut down My people. For that is their ultimate aim. They want Me and every trace of Me eradicated from the land and from education and from every part of this society.
        “But mark My words; I have plans to prosper this country, and I will bring to shame the wise. I will shame those who have so loftily held their head up – their stiff-necked heads that have said, ‘We will bring our ways! We will bring in our precepts and ordinances in this land, and we will eradicate God, and we will take Him off his throne. And we shall destroy His church.‘ But not so!

        “Sadly, My own Church has failed to see how impoverished and how weakened she has become. She is literally now a remnant in this country. Yet I will do great things with a remnant. Yet when it was I can take three hundred foot-soldiers with Gideon and I can do a great deliverance, and I will do the same also in this land. I will take this small remnant of a Church that is left – those Christians that genuinely acknowledge Me as their Lord and Saviour – and will not bow the knee to Baal and to all his false practices and customs in respect to the laws that are now passing in this land.
        “Mark My words, punishment will come for the sins that have covered this land. But the punishment, as I always punished Israel in times past, was so that it may bring them to repentance and may bring healing to their land; that when the people are humbled they would pray to me and I would turn in My mercy, I would forgive them their sins and I would then heal their land. I am going to bring punishment to this nation – a time of humbling – but this punishment is not to destroy this nation. This punishment is to humble her and to chastise her, that she may repent of her wicked ways and turn back to Me.
        “There will not be many nations in the days ahead that will be permitted to have what this nation will be permitted. You will have a grace and a favour upon you which many other nations will not be given because I have plans and purposes for this country. And even though My own people have been faithless harlots towards Me, know this; that your faithlessness will only go to prove My faithfulness. I will be faithful to My Covenant and to My Word, and I will bring about My ways and My means for this country, and I will pour out My Spirit. And I will bring Revival, but it will not be like any revival that has been before. It will be uncontainable; it will be uncontrollable; and the world will HATE it because it will be so strong and it will be so powerful that they cannot ignore it.
        “In times past they’ve been able to turn a blind eye to the things of My Spirit, but in these days everyone will know about it, everybody will know about it. And the same sun that melts the ice also hardens the clay, and men will just drop into two distinct camps: those that love Me and those that absolutely hate Me. This is why in many respects these days are dangerous days, because it will polarize people, in ways stronger than they are now; but you will know the righteous and you will know the evil.
        “But mark My words, I will do something wonderful with this country; I will restore law and order to this country. This country has become lawless and it has no more order to it. And your Houses of Parliament are an example of the state of your nation, of the division of your nation, of the complexities of your nation. The wickedness and the hardness of heart and the blindness and arrogance of your nation are all set to display, for all the world to see in your own Houses of Parliament. But I am going to do a new thing. And many men will lay down their crowns and place down their swords before Me and repent and give their lives to me. And many powerful men and women who vehemently hate My name, will come to know Me and love My name.
        “And some Christians might go, ‘Why, why Lord did you save them? They’re the ones who brought such depravity to our nation. Why did you allow it?’ Because that’s My grace, that’s My mercy, and the very ones that brought in those laws, I will turn into trophies of grace to make the enemy despised in his own camp, for I will make those who passed those wicked laws be the ones that undo them, for they will reveal the secrets and the dark intent and heart of sinful wicked flesh. And the world or this country at least, will look on in horror at the things that they’ve released and allowed in this country, and they will be rescinded and retracted.
        “My people, you need to do this: you need to be spending these hours – because it is only hours – you need to be spending these hours in prayer; you need to be spending these hours on your knees; you need to be spending this time in the Word, learning from Me, learning from My Spirit and I will teach you many wonderful things. But this is the time, because there are many bridesmaids out there that do not have enough oil in their lamp and you need to get it in your lamp. No-one can part-exchange their life of intimacy with Me to those that have no intimacy with Me. This is your chance; now is the time to do it, for in the humbling that’s coming – this wind of change that’s going to blow through this land – it’s going to be a difficult time for this nation. It will not be a long time, but the depth of the punishment that will come will be severe, even though it will only be for a short time. It was like when I said to King David, “You can have three years of this, three months of that, or three days of the other”.

        “This will be a short punishment but it will be a deep punishment; a deep chastisement to this nation. And I will humble this nation and I will turn her around. And many who are your enemies in these days will become your friends and neighbours in the days to come.

        “So be prepared, be encouraged but be warned; this is not going to be an easy day that is coming, it is going to be a difficult day, a difficult time for this nation. Many Christians will cry out, ‘Why did I allow such things to come to this nation?’ But in part, everyone in this nation is responsible for the punishments that are coming.
        “There is much worldliness in My Body, much worldliness in My Church, much worldliness in the mindset of Christians, much worldliness in the teachings of the Church! And the teachings of the Church have lost their anchor. They have apostasised; they have become an apostate church, in that they’ve drifted away from the truth of scripture and have chosen to allow the doctrines of men to infiltrate the teachings of the Church. The sacred scriptures should never be changed, never diluted, never touched, never altered, for they sacred and they are from the throne room of heaven itself. How dare man place his DNA and his ideas over that which is heavenly and beyond?

        “So take heart to these words and this warning. Be blessed, be encouraged and get ready, for the time is now when the humbling must begin. And it will be short but long. It will be a short period of time but it will feel like the longest period of time, for it will be very intense. And for a period of three years a time of great humbling will come upon this nation, and it will be a heavy three years, a very difficult three years.
        “But then things will change, things will turn, and you will go from Winter to Spring, Spring to Summer, Summer into Harvest time.”

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you for reiterating, and you may have noted my latest post’s reference – and that’s only the second of several items within the news that I’ve been able to blog and which are indicative of that word’s authenticity.


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