A personal reflection on Brexit and several prophecies

I’m very grateful to my friend Chris Moyler for kindly permitting my publishing his superb article posted on PRUKR (or PR) with moderator Geoffrey Pick’s clearance; usually, this Facebook group posts prophetical material only.

Chris writes me, “It is my judgement that we are in a most profound birthing moment in this long BREXIT process, and I am most grateful for these present words of caution. They are timely and important.

“Although we are indeed at a Kairos moment for the UK, and especially for God’s Kingdom purposes in and through the UK, this is NOT a time for excessive exuberance, since the victory remains incomplete. Rather, this is a time for vigilance and for firm declaration.

“The LORD has given his people a super abundance of clear and consistent prophetic guidance concerning BREXIT. That is why I have written a summary of my own journey in these prophecies, which I hope will serve as a useful overview concerning how THE LORD has guided us.

“I greatly welcome further reflection/agreement/disagreement.

“God bless you dear Richard. Thank you most sincerely for all your invaluable service to the UK Body of Christ.”


 by Chris Moyler, 18th October 2019

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, I expressed strongly my personal opinion that the current EU deal is NOT a true BREXIT and that it will fail.

My dear friend Geoff Pick, from Prophetic Releasers for UK Revival responded, quite rightly that I was expressing my personal opinion, rather than sharing a word given directly by the HS [Holy Spirit], and he was absolutely right to do so. Therefore, what I share here is not offered as prophecy. Rather, it is my personal reflection upon the prophetic words of others.

Nevertheless, the Word boldly declares that, through the power of the indwelling Glory of God within each of us, we have the mind of Christ!

“For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16

That is a very bold assertion, is it not? Indeed it would be blasphemous, were it not to have come to us from the LORD himself! That is the entire purpose of the glory within- to align us with the LORD and with one another. And because of that glory, WE can have the mind of Christ.

Please note carefully that Paul doesn’t say “I” here, he says WE. Therefore, I believe he is saying that God’s mind dwells within our heart agreement. We can trust the LORD to guide us as a community. And yesterday (Thursday), dear Veronika West brought us an important word of caution re the timing of BREXIT.

Therefore, I would like to offer my own reflections upon where the LORD has brought us to in our BREXIT journey. I offer them in faith, but also entirely as my own personal opinion, for you to accept or reject or challenge or add to, exactly as the LORD has spoken to you. Prophetically, we travel as a family.

The LORD has given us an abundance of very sharp prophetic words, especially over the last three years of this BREXIT process, which have carefully built upon the historic prophecies of folk such as Smith Wigglesworth, [1947 and 1939] Jean Darnall [1967] and Wendy Alec [2005].

The summation of all these words is that the LORD has preserved for Himself a praying remnant, both in the UK and overseas, who dearly love the UK, and who have never stopped believing that, in the end times, the Glory of God would once again return to the UK.

Then, as we have navigated this BREXIT process together, we have come to understand that we are participating in a worldwide shaking of the Nations, the separating of light and darkness. In the US, a powerful praying remnant has arisen, which has enabled the LORD to raise up President Trump, and he is working powerfully to destroy the globalist New World Order structure which has been enslaving us.

Thus, it is clear that the foundations are being laid for the fulfillment of Veronika West’s incredible Gold and Silver Handshake Prophecy.

My heart caught fire when I read this word. A vision opened in my heart of our two nations being freed from globalist, spiritual structures of enslavement, enabling our nations to become a worldwide blessing together. And I personally heard the HS say clearly around that time, “I am Uniting the Kingdom.” I knew he was specifically referring to the UK in the first instance, even though the word obviously had a worldwide application as well.

However, as we weigh the words of the last three years, it is abundantly clear that the battle is not merely for any BREXIT, but for a true BREXIT, one in which we are completely separated from the control of the EU’s structures, enabling us to become a fully sovereign nation once again. Therefore, the LORD warned us that the battle would be a severe one!

Veronika pictured this powerfully for us in her Iceberg and Glacier Prophecy [RB: read her introduction here]:

The message was crystal clear: a) The separation of the UK from the EU will be the hand of God, not the hand of man. b) the separation will be a COMPLETE one, and not a partial one. c) the separation will be very rough, ie. it would be strongly contested- exactly as President Trump is being strongly contested. d) the final result would be the total inversion of our nation, restoring God’s glory and life to her.

The combined effect of this prophecy, and those which preceded it, gave me great faith for a full and complete BREXIT. However, we then had the Chequers betrayal, when it was revealed that PM May had crafted a second hidden plan behind the back of the BREXIT secretary, to undo the referendum vote.

For me personally, that was a real low point. As I sought the LORD about this seeming reversal, I re-read the prophecies, and I discovered that I had paid insufficient attention to one of them. I saw clearly that He had gone ahead of his people in magnificent detail, and that Veronika had clearly prophesied that The LORD is roaring over our land, most especially over our institutions of government!

But the LORD also clearly said that BREXIT would come through the betrayal of the people by our national leaders.

Once I clearly understood that our leaders were determined to betray us, a deep peace immediately settled over my heart. I knew that the LORD had his plan to get us out. I believe that this is the mark of authentic prophecy. Whether a word comes with a rebuke, a warning, or a s comfort, the result is the same as we respond to it in faith. We are realigned with God’s heart, and our peace is restored.

We are told to “let the peace of God rule in your heart,” and His peace is mighty to drive out fear! So BREXIT comes to us through betrayal, and we can therefore expect, despite the change in the PM, that powerful forces within our Government continue to conspire to drive BREXIT off course; to dilute it and to blunt its true purpose.

We don’t trust in the strength of princes to deliver us, but it is abundantly clear from history that the LORD raises up leaders to help us, even if they do not know him! More than any other man in UK politics, Nigel Farage has carried the torch for BREXIT for a very long time. I believe that it would be fair to say that because he is saying strongly that the present proposals are NOT a true BREXIT, then we would do well to pay attention to what he is saying. Because he presently stands outside the corridors of power, he is well positioned to speak strongly into government. This word specifically refers to Farage:

We must never forget that BREXIT is the LORD’s BREXIT before it is ours. He created the UK to do his will and to build His Kingdom. And He is militantly determined to have her back!

But the present parliamentary framework is blocking God’s will for the UK. It is NOT presently allowing a true BREXIT to proceed. The LORD has promised us a FULL BREXIT, and that is why we were clearly told that a major parliamentary reset had to occur, before a true BREXIT becomes possible (as herein).

We are in the 3rd month of this prophesied four months of danger, and that is why I am expecting the present deal to fail, and the PM to be returned with a strong BREXIT mandate. But this time of waiting has been a v good thing. It is flushing out the cockroaches, and it is strengthening the donkeys! Again and again, we have had to return to the LORD in prayer, so the LORD has been building our prayer muscle!

The LORD is very angry with the EU, and he is determined to publicly humiliate it, because it so strongly opposes his will. He has declared that He has placed enmity between the UK and the EU leaderships.

Moreover, he has also declared that he has appointed a sudden reversal for the EU leaders and for all those leaders in the UK who are allied with them. Dave Hood speaks of the LORD suddenly pulling away the carpet from under their feet:

I therefore believe and am fully persuaded that the LORD has decreed total destruction and humiliation for the EU. [RB: similar to the David Noakes warning to “Come out!”]

This is ABSOLUTELY NOT an expression of hatred towards the people of Europe. He loves them deeply and he is using the UK as his beach head from which to rescue them. He has a deep hatred towards every structure, political and economic, that presently enslaves both them and us.

So that is why I am fully persuaded that the present EU deal will fail. It is simply not radical enough. The LORD has prepared a Haman moment of utter humiliation for the EU, his divine reversal, which will bring great shock to its leaders. Very obviously, we are certainly not there yet, and until that prophesied time comes, we have not yet arrived at BREXIT.

To finalise, these are my firm personal convictions that I express here. I am not (yet!) a seer. I can and have seen revelations, but I don’t usually receive the wisdom of the LORD in that way, the way that most PR folk do. For me, the LORD speaks in a very different way, both in the written (Logos) and the rhema word. He tends to give me a quiet awareness of truth in the sense of “Pay attention to this” or “that there is very important.” A bit like putting a spotlight on something.

This is how he has radically guided my path, these last 15 years, completely changing, radically transforming my view of the world, the church, and the Bible, and especially sensitising me to the antichrist spirit. So I now see my role as one of weighing and sifting with the seers, rather than being primarily a seer myself.

In that spirit, I offer this reflection in an open hand. I am not speaking on behalf of PR; I am simply presenting an overview of this BREXIT process. Please feel free to accept or reject it; to add to it, or to criticise it. It’s entirely up to you. We are here to sharpen and hone each other’s prophetic awareness, and that is a process, a discipleship, complete with mistakes, blind alleys, and moments of great joy.

May our Dear LORD Jesus, and Our Gracious Father bless us all in his service. May we become ever more sensitive to his beloved Holy Spirit and Glory that dwells within each one of us. And may he continue to unite our hearts and our minds as we each seek his will and his purpose for our land. Amen

14 thoughts on “A personal reflection on Brexit and several prophecies

  1. Thank you for this Chris. You have encouraged greatly me in the midst of such depressing political news. I too have wondered why there is an obsession with getting a deal from the organisation we are trying to flee. I have felt such frustration and been led to pray with others, (where two or more are gathered, there am I) although my local church would not allow me to hold a prayer session because the said, it would cause to much division. (Short sighted) Your summery needs to be shared, to encourage others to carry on praying and not accept this deal because we have become so weary. Thank you again, Chris.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. From what I have read, there is a pathway to “No Deal” through the current proposed Deal. This is why the Speaker (per media articles) stopped the vote yesterday as they wanted to prevent Boris using that opportunity. It sounds like there could be various amendments to Boris’s deal such as a 2nd referendum. I wonder if Boris has a trick up his sleeve so will be an interesting few days. The EU may well reject the extension. The international liberal media is very upset about the Polish election result so maybe the Poles will lend a hand.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you so much for this. Although it was from the remain politicians perspective a win on Saturday with the Letwin amendment and even yesterday for the speaker to not allow a vote on the new deal, I was elated that it didn’t have a chance to go through. The Lord is indeed having HIS way right now and I did sense in the midst of proceedings that the enemy y has infact overplayed his hand as is his want. This wonderful clarification is very welcome as it is easy to become despondent and I have to admit very angry with proceedings in this nation. Thank you again.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. My heart sings with joy that Our LORD is in control. As Christians we need fear nothing that the enemy throws at us or the dissenters scream out in Parliament. Our God Reigns and we His people believe and trust that He is in control and has not abandoned this precious land. I’m sure He has got great plans ahead for us for the future. A fresh outpouring of The Holy Spirit to open more eyes to see The Lord our God.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. By email: Dear Richard,
    I would have said you (and particularly Chris) must have been reading my thoughts, if I didn’t believe such promptings come from the Lord!

    Last week I was thinking somebody should put together a Paper outlining the prophetic words that have been received about Brexit over many months (years?) now and how they have been fulfilled. Perhaps, I thought, Richard could do this, as he has kept records of the Brexit prophecies and published blogs when he has witnessed their fulfilment. But then, I thought, the poor man wouldn’t have the time to do all that! So I left it with the Lord. And lo and behold, Chris Moyes had already been doing it!

    Thanks so much for getting his permission to give it a wider circulation. I am so grateful for his clear analysis.

    Blessings, Pauline – 21st Oct

    Liked by 2 people

  6. By email: Dear Richard,
    I have read Chris Moyer’s article and can only say my sense he is spot on in his view of where we are at in the Brexit process as well as his comments about the prophetic community.
    What a humble and insightful heart he has.
    Blessings, Rose – 22nd Oct

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Chris I heartily agree with you that we have the mind of God, and it is telling us that this is not a true brexit as It stands.
    God’s work is always perfection; and this just won’t do.
    It’s got nothing to do with politics but God’s will.
    Thankyou for this. God be praised!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I am not a Prophet but this rings so true in my heart. I Praise The Lord for not turning His back on our beloved Nation. I was reading a post on FB and I responded with “Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit” says The Lord. May HIS will be done and I believe that HE will be the Author of the Brexit Deal. Richard. I thank The Lord that I found your site and am blessed by what’s posted on it. “The Battle belongs to The Lord” and He will set us free again to carry out HIS purpose for our Nation- that is The United Kingdom of Great Britain AND Northern Ireland! I do not believe He will allow it to be broken up in any way.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I’m SO very grateful for this blog and the online community who encourage the remnant to stay steadfast in praying God’s plans and purposes through to completion in the UK. A ‘deal’ seems to me an ungodly compromise with the EU so I’m praying and believing for complete withdrawal “lock, stock and barrel”. However I’m mindful that the Lord will do it HIS way in HIS timing and whatever the outcome we remain in his hands. Thank you for your faithful narrative which i believe to be an accurate reflection of the state of affairs.
    Like others have mentioned, I’m alarmed at the lack of awareness, vision and division amongst members of the established church and have felt surrounded by a darth of prayer and silence on this specific issue. I thank God for those of you out there who I stand alongside in prayer. I’m not ‘prophectic’ per se but feel burdened to pray and intercede at this critical time. I recently watched the movie ‘Darkest Hour’ and see the current battle for our freedom and destiny in God as a parallel to our battle for freedom in WW2. Not with guns – but against the same principalities and powers that threatened us then.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Further to my previous comment I append
    2 Corinthians 6 vs 14. “Do not try to work together as equals with unbelievers (i.e. those who do not acknowledge the Lord), for it cannot be done. How can right and wrong be partners? How can light and darkness live together?”
    Lord let your Kingdom come for our nation.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Bind your People together Lord- with those Cords which cannot be broken. Give us The Mind of Christ and great wisdom in these difficult times though we know “The Battle Belongs to The LORD” and thank you for that oh Lord Our God.


    • Caroline and Moira we seem to be on the same page here
      According to the excellent Melanie Phillips article on her blog Boris has adapted himself to the REMAINY Conservatives by taking no deal off table.
      As Veronica West warned he has the Esau spirit and has taken his mess of pottage, or is that Eton mess?
      The media is in cahoots with the Esau spirit as well.

      Liked by 2 people

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