The current path towards the Second ‘Signpost’ continues — Mark Davidson

Here and his linked earlier post Mark brings an update on developments in the Iranian regime’s activity connected to Bible prophecy. (For a summary introduction to his thesis see Four ‘Signposts’ of Books of Daniel and The Apocalypse), and Comments below.)

As was written in this post, our world entered a new zone of awaiting the Second Signpost, the Invasion by Iran of the Middle East. The United States military may strike Iran at any time due to the Iran regime’s actions. The Iranian regime, on the other hand, may strike at American military assets at […]

Continue reading at The Current Path towards the Second Signpost Continues — The Four Signposts

5 thoughts on “The current path towards the Second ‘Signpost’ continues — Mark Davidson

  1. This is where Ezekiel’s war comes in. Israel will be attacked by Russia Iran and Turkey at a time when she is unsupported by any other nation. If Trump is relected this war is unlikely for another 4 – 5 years, but if he is not this war could happen at any time.


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