UK Situation Summary #1 – Neil Mackereth on Brexit Withdrawal

Further to writing about ‘Divine Designs‘ behind Britain’s leaving the European Union, and my exposure of the EU’s attempt to entrap the UK by conniving, devious politicians, Neil Mackereth offers this brief summary of the state-of-play and recommends a course of action for Christians:



The outcome of the “peoples’ vote” referendum which asked: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?” (not much scope for confusion there) was 52% leave to 48% stay (not much scope for confusion there either).

However, the British intelligentsia (in their view, not mine) or, more accurately, the majority of those who are in, or who influence, the “Westminster Bubble”, think “the people” are wrong and, furthermore, not qualified (competent, wise, intelligent enough …) to make such decisions. Once in “the bubble”, the elected ones and their advisers seem to become detached from the democratic process (even though it got most of them there!).

The main aim of one faction, since the Referendum, seems to be to frighten, confuse, undermine, condemn and generally grind down the electorate that a second referendum will be welcomed. The expectation of this elite group is that their view of common sense will then prevail.

It is interesting to note that it was the ordinary public who vetoed our application to join the Euro 15 years ago, and who were more recently not deterred by the alarming stories of immediate post-referendum recession, that we heard from [Messrs; messers! RB] Cameron, Osborne, Carney and others. In fact, every step of the way the protestations of doom and despair, and the forecasts from the insiders and pundits, have been proved wrong.

Why are we still listening? In one sense the outcome of a second referendum, if it were to be called, cannot be judged; in another sense it can: it would undoubtably cause further division in our very fractured society.

Clever EU negotiators have run rings round us and inveigled many of our politicians into believing that we must strive for an agreement that is not worth having. The waters are so muddied that we cannot see that it is they who are on the back foot.

Insisting on “a deal” is a snare to keep us in the EU. By continually emphasising that an agreement is essential we have, in effect, transferred our advantage (bargaining power) to the unelected EU bureaucrats. Mention the clean-break option and, my goodness, see how that motivates the doomsayers! In trade terms, the EU’s share of the world economy is approx. 15%. The EU’s share has been falling for several years while the rest of the world has been growing [itals RB]. Obviously, sensible trading arrangements, as agreed between any nations and economic groupings, are in everybody’s interest. However, the UK is stronger, more adaptable, better connected internationally and in many ways more innovative than most of the EU. We continually play from our weaknesses instead of our strengths!

Our Nation lacks a clearly defined Global Strategy, on which all else should hinge. Harking back to military strategy, we are undoubtably suffering the “fog of war”. When faced with an outpouring of propaganda, plus incomplete, dubious and erroneous information, poor intelligence and no clear common goals, what happens? High levels of fear, doubt and hysteria are engendered. That is when rapid and unambiguous decision-making is required from an alert, competent and innovative leader.

So, we have a perfect impasse where no single “way-forward” suggestion commands a majority and the only motions that are carried are those that block progress.

However, as explained in an earlier paper, I see God’s hand on the steps that have brought us to this point. Like the Israelites during the Exodus, we are prone to forgetting the amazing things God has done over recent years, and over many centuries, in our nation. We are not forgotten: God’s plans will be fulfilled.

What should we do? For many years I have attended seminars about, heard sermons on and lightly accepted the principle of 2 Chronicles 7:14:

“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  (my emphasis)

I believe that this scripture is reaching the pinnacle of its significance for our nation. It is not the heathens, the atheists, the Muslims, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the secular MPs or humanists who are encouraged to pray; it is us, God-fearing committed Christians.

The Lord God Almighty is shaking, sifting and precipitating the circumstances that will awaken the Nation and the Church. I am convinced that this political log-jam is part of the process that will lead to the greatest revival ever witnessed (the final harvest). As R.T. Kendall explains in ‘Prepare Your HEART for the MIDNIGHT CRY’, there are three groups in the church: wise and foolish virgins, all asleep, and the watchers (who must be awake, by definition) who give the cry that heralds the arrival of the Bridegroom.

Soon everything will change: are you awake and ready?

Neil Mackereth, 28th January 2019

Further reading:
  • Prophetic, Historic Days: Part 1 introduces Neil, author of SIGNS.
  • 40 Things (or more) Wrong With May-EU’s Withdrawal Agreement
  • Robert Toombs, author of ‘The English and Their History’ writes in Saturday’s Commentary, In their pursuit of power MPs undermine the Parliament they claim to stand up for (emphases added):

    ‘…What makes the present attempted power-grab shameless is that it is being used not to enact but to thwart legal popular votes – votes which are the only thing that lend parliament its share of sovereignty. Those behind this intrigue then plan to hand over the sovereignty they loudly demand to another institution: the European Union, whose laws would override those of our no-longer-sovereign parliament. Some even have the nerve to claim that they want to give the people “the final say” – having refused to accept the previous final say which they promised to respect. Who are they to decide what is final?

    ‘What on earth do these people – Bercow, Cooper, Grieve, Soubry, Rudd, Cable, Letwin et al – think they are doing? Do they really think that blocking Brexit by some unconstitutional manoeuvre will end the matter? Can they really believe that people will just roll over and acquiesce? Do they not realise that they are stoking up a crisis far worse than anything that could follow from Brexit?

5 thoughts on “UK Situation Summary #1 – Neil Mackereth on Brexit Withdrawal

  1. “competent, wise, intelligent …”
    The real irony is that it turns out that, when voting to invoke A.50, MPs appeared not to realise they were baking in the default of a so-called “hard” Brexit. “They did not know what they were voting for” – as is often said disparagingly about Brexit supporters.
    Similarly, if they were really so all-wise and all-knowing, they would have realised that the outcome of the referendum might be what they now claim to be a “disaster” and not voted for it in the first place.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Off topic, but I was listening to Rick Warren talking about Nehemiah and the saga of trying to build his wall. Rick didn’t making any his reference to the current issue in the USA but the parallels in the story were very obvious. I am just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on where God fits into the current issue of the Mexican Wall.


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