Prophetic word on “the final battle” for Britain

Thank you to UK Prophetic Words for the following posted 25 Oct 2018:


In our Monday evening prayer & ministry time (called Transformation Sheffield) tonight the Lord led me to stand on the raised platform at the front of church. Visiting preachers have confirmed that this spot has much angelic action, one describing it at an Angelic Portal. Angels come and go across the platform traveling to wherever they are needed. Sometimes we are let in on their missions.

Tonight the activity in and out of the portal is hurried with many angels coming and going so fast that they are more a blur than individuals we often see.

I stood and asked what the reason for the speed of travel was for. The answer I heard was:

“It’s started! The final battle for this nation has started, the future of the nation is being fought over with great ferocity. “

I am a Brexit supporter on spiritual grounds. God has been leading me for years before Brexit was a word. He has shown me that on many occasions in our island’s history where He appears to intervene to keep us separate from a spirit of control that has pervaded European history for centuries. Although I’m not clear yet on the full meaning of this I sense it has been a preparation for the times we walk in now.

My mind went to all those Christians who in good faith and conviction think we are making a very big mistake. There are many reasons on either side of the argument that stack up and much that doesn’t or can’t anymore. However the spiritual reasons to leave seem to be hidden from them.

My prayers for the church in the UK is that God’s Kingdom comes, His will be done. I believe He holds His people responsible for the state of the nation.

Neil Grant
Transformation Sheffield.


5 thoughts on “Prophetic word on “the final battle” for Britain

  1. I have been thinking along the same lines “God’s will be done”. The Archbishop of Canterbury has been reported as having recently said that the EU is the greatest dream realised by humanity since the holy Roman Empire. I can see why there is confusion in the ranks. This website has been pointing towards prophecy that predates a whole range of recent issues such as the migration crisis and issues in various countries Italy, Hungary, Poland, the rise of “populism” etc. The EU seems to be siding with Iran, they have signed off that the Nord 2 pipeline with Russia that could be an economic disaster for the Ukraine. The building of the European Parliament Building the “Tower of Babel” appears to be a challenge to God.

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    • I didn’t quite finish my line of thinking which was that the prophecy Richard has brought to our attention in many cases has talked about the developments in Europe which couldn’t have been foreseen without divine revelation.


    • Thank you very much Phil. Yes, and its disheartening there’s confusion throughout the CoE’s hierarchy as only one bishop’s grasped the spiritual issues (not to mention prophetical) – as mentioned by blogger Cranmer. Imho they need to repent of not hearing the Lord. And this clashes strongly with Anglican laity, for a poll some weeks shows them as highest percentage of churchgoers in favour of Brexit!!

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