Paws-4-thought: “This is My territory, and Mine alone,” says The Lion of Judah

[GPS #14 A fortnight ago this morning I was astonished at what was brought from the Lord during the ministry team’s prayers at Acorn Christian Healing Foundation – but my surprise stopped me taking note of its content! Therefore, I asked our friend ‘V.J.’ for the details and am grateful for her kind permission to publish this account:

‘During the time of praise, with one or two people bringing gentle thoughts of encouragement, I had an overwhelming sense that, spiritually, we were there to be about the Lord’s business in strength – and there was a real sense of frustration.

‘Then came a picture of a huge lion, which I felt was The Lion of Judah. The first impression was the huge head and tossing mane, with the mouth twisting. The lion then reared up and placed his two front huge paws onto a flat sloping rock. The words I sensed were,

“This is MY territory, and Mine alone. I have equipped you with everything you need to go and accomplish work for my Kingdom. Go out and do it, don’t delay!”

‘I sensed that it was powerful and there was a hint of admonishment involved; there was no sense of meekness about it. The Lord was also saying,

“I Am the Rock upon which you stand.”

‘Since subsequent events have unfolded, I have pondered it further and felt it could relate to those.

‘After the service the minister mentioned the picture to me, saying, “So the picture you had was Jesus saying, ‘Don’t mess with Me/My work’?”. I replied, “Yes, that’s more or less it.”

Footnote: As soon as ‘V.J.’ started describing The Lion of Judah and her impressions, I thought she may have read and been inspired by what I’d published less than two hours earlier; ie, its picture in particular. But not so!

That blog was on the Vision of Violent Spiritual Battle for Britain seen by Veronika West in which she hears, “Daughter of man, fear not, see, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.”  As the original has no accompanying illustration I’d dug into my library for a suitable image, as shown above. However, ‘V.J.’ was not aware of this until we discussed it this week!! 

Also, note how well this image matches her description of the placement of The Lion’s front paws!!  LOL – truly, a ‘Paws-4-Thought’ moment!

Therefore, what ‘V.J.’ brought is clearly a stand-alone word from the Lord, yet confirms what others are hearing on God’s Global Prophecy Signalling system. Also, it reinforces the scrolling words Nina saw at the start of Trooping The Colour 2016; ‘This is MY country!’

[With gratitude to the unknown creator of this splendid picture.]

3 thoughts on “Paws-4-thought: “This is My territory, and Mine alone,” says The Lion of Judah

    • Thank you Tony, and I copy both in chronological sequence (readers may like to read comments thereto via your links):

      ’26 Nov 2015 The Lion is Roaring: Below is a vision I had 5 years ago

      ‘I had a very tragic vision on 07/25/2010. In the vision I could see many preachers, their pulpits were lined up next to each other,they were very learned men, some were in suits and some were in robes,and they were preaching to a very large …congregation . The eyes of everyone in the congregation and their attention were on these preachers. In back of these preachers I could see Jesus on the cross. Not one of the preachers ever mentioned the cross in his preaching and no one in the congregation ever looked at the cross, their eyes were on the preachers and they were attentive to the “wisdom” that was being taught by them.’

      ’25 Nov The Lion Still Roars:
      ‘I had a dream last night where I saw a lion seated in what I’ll call a regal pose looking outward. Then I saw many, many people begin to throw spears and knives at the lion. I saw the lion lean to one side succumbing to his injuries, or so I thought, and dying. However, the lion in the dream did not die but rather stood up on all fours, shook, like one would see a dog doing when wet, and the spears, knives, etc. that had pierced his body were expelled. Then i saw the lion begin to roar at those who had thrown the spears and knives trying to kill him and I watched as they became like dust and were no more.

      ‘Several things come to mind here one naturally being the monicar given to Jesus as the lion of Judah. The seated lion, I believe represents rule. The standing lion roaring represents judgement.’


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