You – HAVE – Kingdom Authority

Timely in view of what I’m preparing…

Shining a light in the darkness

I had written a blog post recently about how dark it feels like the world is becoming.

Although it may feel like there is a darkness surrounding us, I was gently reminded last night that I need to share an even MORE important TRUTH.

As I read from the Book of Mysteries: The Shadow Man (Day 104)…the Father allowed me to review select events of years past in a matter of moments.

The Shadow Man – our enemy (Satan) seeks to seek and destroy. But the take-away we MUST grasp is The enemy has NO power over us – unless we give it to him. Recall that the battle over the shadows and darkness starts in the mind (Eph 6:10-18)

The reality is – The Cross was a monumental moment in history. When Jesus died, the enemy thought he had gotten the upper hand.

Keyword: thought

The point is…

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