New Britain: spiritual rains have started in UK

Some prophetic material on the EU-Referendum needs to be noted. A scripture published by Simon Braker relates directly to Nathan Morris’ emphasis and call for ‘Rainmakers’ at last week’s Shake The Nations Legacy conference in Peterborough. (Nathan has been evangelising overseas for some years and felt led to return here. In arranging the event last year he wasn’t aware of its conjunction with national events – nor its coincidence with the conference city’s Heritage Weekend.)

Simon posted this on 6th June on facebook’s School of the Spirit Leicester:

Over the last few weeks I’ve had the account of the fist-sized cloud from 1 Kings 18 going round in my spirit:
I sense the Lord saying –
How big does the cloud need to be before my people will move?
Those who have ears hear!
The rains have began and will even increase but only for those who take to running with my Spirit, for in this season my coming will be manifest in your going!
As you go with what you have I will bring increase, for many have adopted what looks like a position of prayer but in truth it is a position of fear and hiding,
The harvest has already began the breakthrough has already started the first drops of rain have already began to fall and soften hard hearts,
Watch and see if I do not bless you in your going, the time of waiting is over, the time of harvest has started,
Now is your time,
For as confusion increases in the world I will break loose here in these lands,
Once again these lands will be restored to the missional apostolic mandate,
A fresh move of my Spirit has started it will be defined not through conferences and gatherings but through church planting and sending!

Personal Note:

During EU-Referendum week I repeatedly played ‘Let It Rain’, led by Kenny Peavy and band at Harvest Rock Church (part of which is below). This opens an hour and half of powerful, yet mostly impromptu, worship from Los Angles during the Lakeland Outpouring (2008).

Then on the morning of ‘Independence Day UK’ (23rd June) torrential rains hit southern and various parts of England!

Therefore, it was terrific to find that song featured even more dynamically in Peterborough last week during worship at Legacy 2016. Additionally, I was blessed by a better sense of how a recent personal vision is related to the harvest in the above prophetic word.

Most appropriately for leading into the EU-Referendum Kenny’s next song is “I Am Free!”, which isn’t listed in YouTube but join them petitioning the Lord to Purify My Heart (so I may see Your Face) which continues into Set me on Fire.  As the band burns for Him and plead Send Your Glory, Send Your Fire… they reverently worship Holy Holy is the Lord our God.

4 thoughts on “New Britain: spiritual rains have started in UK

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