UK/EU in/out #5: vision of Britain and our End-time purpose

An exhortation to pray for Britain’s leaders and people to know and move into God’s full purpose for us. When we humbly recognise, repent and turn from all that’s contradictory to the spirit of our prayers and seek God’s face for fuller revelation, then He promises to hear, forgive and cleanse us individually and nationally and to heal our land (per 2 Chron 7:14)

Thank you to Lynne at Father’s House of Prayer for reminding me of this powerful vision the Lord gave Wendy Alec a week after bombings on London Transport in July 2005 (see Watchman Network report). This extract from the full vision explains unequivocally why Britain should extricate itself from the anti-Christ spirits presiding across the water.:

Wendy Alec‘…And the Lord showed me huge flourishing green tree that was planted in the European mainland – its huge trunk seemed to be planted in Brussels and the foliage had grown so dense that the trees branches and foliage had grown over the English channel and covered Britain in a great dark shadow and thousands of smaller offshoots and branches had taken deep root in Great Britain – and I saw the roots tangled and grown into London and then through the British Isles up all the way to Scotland.

‘The Lord said –

“These are the deep roots of secularism and humanism that have taken deep root in this nation – these are the roots that are eroding this nation’s faith!”

‘And I saw thousands upon thousands of people bowing in obedience to this tree and the roots were tightly twisted around their ankles – but they seemed totally unaware of this – that they were bound – and so they rejected the faith of their fathers – and I saw a great scoffing and a great decline in the traditions and the foundations of the past – and this mass of people was divided into two camps – the first huge mass of people whose ankles were bound by the gnarling roots of the green tree from Europe were younger and seemed more modern in their approach – and I saw written over their head – ‘UNBELIEF’ – ‘CYNICISM’ – ‘HUMANISM’ – and the foliage and green leaves seemed to shadow their heads – and I sensed that they were being attacked at a cerebral level.”

‘But the second group seemed to be those whose roots and foundations were from the established traditional denominations of Britain – yet they were just as affected as this first group – but I saw written over their head – ‘PRIDE’ – ‘SKEPTICISM’ – ‘CLOSED MINDEDNESS’ and I sensed that the roots around their ankles had bound them in a different manner – that even if they heard the call of the Spirit in these days that the spiritual forces had them so bound that they could not move with the tide and the times of God – and I saw the green foliage literally cover and shadow their foreheads and eyes and I saw the word blinding.”

‘And I said to the Lord, “Father – what does this mean?” And He said –

“The spirits that led Europe into post Christian decline – have invaded Great Britain over these past decades – and have infiltrated and overshadowed the nation with the same humanism and paganism and secularism – and yet Britain is still so blinded by her roots and her foundations that she is still declaring herself a Christian nation” – but the Lord says that, “She has been shackled by the enemy.”

‘And I said, “Lord what can break the shackles?”

‘And the Lord spoke and said,

“The prayers and fervent supplications of My saints in Great Britain – the repentance for the sins of commission and omission on behalf of the governments of Great Britain – on behalf of the people of Great Britain.”

‘Then I asked the Lord about the Church – and He showed me thousands of people all belonging to different denominations with divisions and literally multitudes of OPINION – and somehow it seemed that the people’s opinion was all more important in their eyes than God’s opinion and I heard Him say:

“Until their opinions become My opinion the Church will continue to be divided among itself and be weak and underfed and lack the true POWER of GOD – Oh yes,” says the Lord –

“There are many meetings – there are many committees – there are many opinions – opinions – but it is not the opinion and the thoughts of men’s hearts that will change the destiny of Great Britain – but the opinion and the thoughts and intents of the word of the Living God – Humble yourselves – Humble yourselves and put aside your opinions and press into me the Living God for a living Word.”

‘And the Lord said –

“A humble and penitent heart I will not despise.”

– and I saw the words written – ‘DIVISIONS AND FACTIONS’.”

‘Then as people dropped to their knees all over Britain from every walk of life and denomination – the lion started to change – and He grew strong and sleek and his roar grew stronger. And I saw written in the spirit – “Create in me a clean heart O God – and renew a right spirit within me”. And as the people started to seek the face of the Lord I saw the word ‘COURAGE’ – and I knew that in the spirit realm that Great Britain had been endowed from the beginning of time with the mantle ‘COURAGE’ – and the Lord said,


‘And God said Britain has yet to move into her end-time destiny in the nations – And I saw again in great letters – the words –


AMEN: Lord let Your Kingdom come, Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven…


  1. Read the full account in Vision for Great Britain which opens with encouragement for intercessors and reference to angelic activity followed by a promised awakening of the Church and for Great Britain as a ‘Land of End-time Destiny’, even hinting at changes in the United States!
  2. The vision came 11 years before the long-awaited Referendum, the results of which will be known in time for its 11th anniversary in July. Number 11 is said to symbolise disorder, chaos and judgment ( Pray the voting turns out God’s way.
  3. Perhaps we’ll see monumental governmental changes on both sides of the ‘Pond’!
  4. UPDATE April 2017: the importance of this vision resurfaced 12 years later in connection with two related prophetic words (Fulfilled Prophecies #19 Britain’s Shackles Now Shattered and Spiritual Shift Across Northern Hemisphere…).

14 thoughts on “UK/EU in/out #5: vision of Britain and our End-time purpose

  1. Part 4 – The Body, the Lion and Medallion

    He is to capture the heart of this nation, that he might gain the heart of a Continent

    The Body of Christ is a living organism. It is alive and has eternal resurrection life. This life does not fade or perish and is without spot or blemish.
    It is a living body that has the blood of Jesus flowing and pumping through its heart, for it indeed is moved and positioned with and within the Heart of the Father. In its body (church) the Heart of the Father appears in human form, but works and ministers with Godly intent. This body is touched with the Spirit and flows from God. It is moved in Him and living in Him.
    Each part of the body is a living cell an unique and individual part, separate yet not apart, living yet not detached, joined and not disjointed from the head.
    Through each individual cell the blood of Jesus continually flows, the flow of Gods very own blood, into His very own body. It stimulus is received from the beating heart of the Father. The whole body beats and pleads, groans and moans according to flow of the Fathers heart.
    O how he is moved! His great heart empties, to pour out the blood that is within the inner chambers of His heart. Oh! How it empties itself and is moved to be filled up again with love and forgiveness and to empty and again, to swell up again to be engorged with yet more of His Sons blood, until no more can be taken and is replete in its fullness and goodness . Another beat of his great heart and the blood, the life, is again pushed and expelled outward, cascading from chamber to chamber, surging though valve and valve. His loved poured and forced out by the valves of the beat of His heart, emptying itself of all but love, flowing to each and every part of the body, both distant and close. A never ending heart beat.
    The heart of the Father, He has placed in the Body of His church. This heart is not only the heart of His Body, the heart of the Church…it is His own heart, and also the heart of the Lion. The heart of this Great Lion feeds off the feeling within the course and coursing of the lifeblood concerning this nation. As each cell and part becomes filled and alive under its flow, as each gives to it, its flow, it is triggered by yet another heart surge and how the vitality, oxygenated, reaches and gives to its complete and perfect enablement of mobility.
    Perfect and complete mobility to the loins and body of the Lion, from the heart of His Church in Him.
    As the body of the Lion becomes awake, so does the Nation have its chance for Life, for its Lion Lord is stirred, not that He has been asleep. But this Nation has. The Lion wants this nation Britain to come alive indeed as this country once was and that it would wear once again the Crown that displayed all the Great Lions regalia, demonstrating  His Sovereignty with pride.
    A nation boasting in the strength of its God.
    Its royalty and regal-ness comes from Him. Here he showed me a coin, or rather a medal, a medallion. This coin was in MINT condition. Its markings and definitions were clear and defined, its luster was full and its etching and markings were fine. It was plain for all to see and laid out in fresh, in clear and NEW detail. Behold I do a NEW thing.
    This coin, medallion seemed to impress upon me the difference between this NEW coin and the faded and dull, and worn hopes of the past. But once again, these old images and hopes were to be RENEWED by the vital and NEW images and lines marked out in the emblem of the coin.
    On the face of the coin, was a Lion. Set and standing on all fours, its head raised square and crowned with a Crown. The detail was so precise, and pinpoint clear. The regal – ness and savor of greatness, strength and uprightness was clear for all to see. This poise and pose, of its loins and great pads of His paws, legs astride and splayed was strong in every place and from every angle. He stands upon, above and in the glory of His nation. This country of Isles, this country of Britain he wishes to form United and to form once again Great. As He is One, so are we to be.
    Medallion and coins are especially struck and minted to show and focus on the great deeds and accomplishment of a nation, the things that have already been done. This medallion HAS ALREADY been STRUCK, to COMMEMORATE and event of HISTORICAL PROPORTION …. that is yet to take place. A final seal has been struck to show the sureness of its final position.
    This event in Heaven has already in His mind occurred on earth. To show and encourage us, He has ALREADY struck a coin to COMMEMORATE its happening.
    The figure of the Lion on the coin is not bowed down, not loaded or weighed down, not pushed aside for its weakness…but is alive and bold, bright and bristling with vigor with precise, fine meticulous detail, this is the nature of The Lion Lord. This image is an exact representation of His fullness and brightness, surpassed and identified in no other, other than the splendor of the original. This coin can’t be imitated or copied, or passed off as new, no counterfeit can stand and compare against it. As sure as the coin is, so too is the victory of it also sure and sound.
    As in the days of this country it is as the Seal of the Commonwealth of Nations, the medal of honour, the medal of remembrance. This medal will be remembered forever. See NOW, it has not faded, it is still there in its ORIGINAL finery, its fullness and detail is not marred by the passing of time or the forgetfulness of man. A piece that is not to be a collector’s item but rather a remembrance of all that is good. Britain once again will rule by the waves of His Spirit and will become Great in its Lion.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Part 6 – Rule Britannia

    Britain in its history was once called Great, and it was indeed great. It ruled the waves and was once the governing head of the Commonwealth of the nations. It has lost its “greatness” and is indeed far from being a “United Kingdom”. In fact years ago it spawned a great navy, a vast fleet and flotilla, of both merchant and naval shipping in might and power. In years past God used its power to spread the Gospel to the far reaching corners of the Commonwealth with some success. For in some respects it tried to make those far away inhabitants more like themselves, and in a means the hope fell apart.

    God was once with the nation a “missionary country”. That is not to say that those who venture to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ are failing today. But rather this country has lost its greatness and unity with God. Its ability to measure truth has been stunted and blunted. It no longer has the cutting edge and place with God amongst the nations.

    England, Great Britain, I believe has always meant to be in Gods hand as His tool. Like Mark, who in his youth walked with Gods greats…it is my belief; He is once again preparing and calling His Mark, this nation to these fields… the fields of Europe. In part the mission field is its own soil, its own country, through Gods inner work and vision and reaching outward to its neighbour, France and Europe, beyond, to the outer extent of the vision…2Ti 4:11 Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry.

    God needs to change the heart of a nation, to become a minister TO the nations.

    Mark, as this country, once had a cutting edge…its axe edge became blunt. Its head fell off the shaft and disappeared under muddy waters. But like those who explored and sought for the sunken Titanic…God knew where she lay and in what depths to find her. He has chosen to raise her from the depths of her long sleep…and like the one who found her deep down…he, God, having found her said… “I will come back for you, for I have left my name there”

    Like the Titanic, she, His nation, His church in this country…she was a wreck, deep in the waters, up to her neck in mud and slime. But God found her, just like those explorers who longed to find her….for he had never had taken his eyes off her, but was ready for her future service. “TELL MARK I HAVE NEED OF HIM”. Just like the film, though he intends to make the ending all the more real. He found her and raised her. Like the axe head, God raised that up by the power of the cross. Because I live, Jesus said, you shall live also.

    He wants again, to make Britain a maritime nation, only this time to rule by the waves of his Spirit, upon the waters boundless limits that He sets…But there mighty [is] Jehovah for us, A place of rivers — streams broad of sides, No ship with oars doth go into it, And a mighty ship doth not pass over it. Robert Young Literal Translation 1862, 1887, 1898 Info

    This country is an island iceberg , and set for turning. The Titanic was sunk by an iceberg; this ship represented all that was known of the engineering of man. If it had not fell, oh how it would have “lit up” the oceans of the nations. The Titanic as it was, is similar to Europe, its EEC as it and its nations has been engineered by man in a particular way. It, Europe, believes its strength is in its planning, in its purpose for the future of the peoples of Europe and its developing and strategic role in the World.

    Again I say…EUROPE AS THE TITANIC, CANNOT WITHSTAND THE ICEBERG THAT IS BRITAIN. God is loosing its iceberg Britain from its AGE LONG ROOTS OF ITS moorings. The European Titanic, in its pride and blindness CANNOT or WILL NOT SEE WHAT IS COMING, BUT IS SAILING IMPERIOUSLY TO DISASTER…it is ill prepared and ill equipped. It thinks itself INVINCIBLE, even UNSINKABLE. It neither understands the times or its tides.

    God is turning the iceberg Britain upside down and making her to be a force, like the Titanic was meant to be in its time. But under His ensign it will be a humble but great force IN HIM to be reckoned with, to sail the seas of the Holy Spirit.

    She herself, BRITAIN, GODS OWN RAISED TITANIC, WILL APPROACH the ICEFIELDS OF FRANCE and EUROPE, but she will remain whole through His might…and THIS, HIS MIGHT, will be dispersed amongst the nations. And Europes spiritual tundra, will like the desert, blossom as a rose.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I was praying recently with a prayer team in the north of England about the EU referendum: I had the following picture –
    A WW2 scenario: about 30 ships in a convoy steaming from near Europe out of the English Channel aiming for America. 3 ships developed engine problems and had to turn back to the UK.
    The rest of the convoy continued on but was then attacked by U-boats; some ships sank, others were badly crippled… all were damaged in some way. There were huge numbers of people needing help. The three ships, now repaired, left their ports and went to give what help they could to the survivors.
    Interpretation: The convoy is the countries of the EU. The EU is heading for disaster; the nations of the UK can divert away from this and may be weakened for a season as a result. If they do so they can then reach out and help people in Europe after the disaster hits there. If the three ships stay in the convoy they may well suffer the same fate as the others; if we vote to stay within Europe disaster lays ahead. If we decide to leave the EU we may be weak for a season but later be in a position to help many in Europe. This should be motivation for us to pray that the British population vote to leave…
    Mark Maddock

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  4. Please note: Wendy spoke about a tree whose FOREIGN roots had invaded this country …BUT, this entry shows Gods tree, His shade is to, forest, cover the nation from north to south and east to west … as a result of HIS RIVER, laying down his roots of national revival and resurrection of this nations destiny … growing the planting of the lord in this land threough the lives of his raised believers.

    Note ALSO, this answers also, the current and future prosperity of this country, and is to directly effect the poverty and division that is perpetrated by our North South Divide … father had intentions to direct his means for this problem, long before TO stay or TO go came into clearer focus …

    he will save, raise this nation to save her and to gain a continent,
    Matt 4…
    27Night and day he sleeps and wakes, and the seed sprouts and grows, though he knows not how. 28All by itself the earth produces a crop — first the stalk, then the head, then grain that ripens within. 29And as soon as the grain is ripe, he swings the sickle, because the harvest has come.”…

    Part 5 – The River

    At a prayer time about 15 years ago, I was given a vision of a river. This river stretched from the very north of Scotland, ran straight down the center of the whole country, terminating somewhere, half way along the southern coast of England, near Southampton. But the river seemed to start from the very north in Scotland.

    The river flowed from north to south and because of it the ENTIRE land became covered with trees… There was not one piece of land, from north to south or east to west that was not covered by these trees, creating a green shade.. From the rivers main N to S stem, streams led off from it, coursing eastward and westward. This happened all the way down to the S. From these streams run smaller flows of water, themselves in turn breaking off into little rivulets. These rivulets were almost ford like in their depth; literally one could walk over them with no more than ankle depth.

    It reminded me of the difference between main arteries and veins and between veins and capillaries in the blood circulation system. Each type has it own volume, but as it would reach into every part of the body, so to, did the rivers flow reach into EVERY part AND CORNER OF THE COUNTRY. Or if you like , as the patterns formed in the “veining of a leaf”. On close inspection one could see the whole surface covered with one size or length or another. Such was the rivers pervasiveness.

    Everywhere the river went…THERE WAS A CHANGE OF ENVIRONMENT. For at the moment, though the United Kingdom is a green and pleasant land, NOT ALL of it is wooded or forested. But here in the vision, as a result of the river, the WHOLE of the country became wooded and in shade, though still with the suns ability to filter down through the “leaf blanket”. A CHANGE OF ENVIRONMENT. For where the river went it brought life. All the little veins and capillaries flowed from the SAME SOURCE. All pumped from the same heart into the body of the country.

    I have said that in many places the river broke down into small fords, where people could cross easily, the purpose of these was to bring a steady trickle into the most remote, hidden or isolated places. With the presence of the river, there were no more places in isolation… here even in the smallest of these places people were crossing over, as if entering new territory, occupying new space, creating new boundaries. Occupying the land on the OTHER SIDE.

    The Lord seemed to zoom in to an area of the NE of England and this reminded me of when Elijah ran away from Jezebel, after his victory with the lord at Carmel. But God brought him food and water through the drought…and when even this ford had run dry …he moved him on. He survived through the food and water that the Lord gave to SUSTAIN him for a given time…how much more do we need to now, for we may be in a similar place to Elijah, now or in the future. I live in the NE of England.

    The whole country was covered with trees and these trees seemed to be, beneath the shade canopy, equidistant from each other where ever they grew. This was the case wherever you went N or S, E or W. it seemed to me as if they had been placed wisely, to give enough protective shade and space for one another AND to enable YOUNG GROWTH in between them. All trees seemed to be created for the same purpose, to bring and even covering of shade right THROUGHOUT the land.

    I looked at the river and I noticed that near the end of the river where it me country’s southern coast, perhaps for a distance of 30 – 50 miles…the river seemed to be flowing UPWARDS, flowing NORTHWARDS, as if it was covering these south stretches again! This would be against the natural laws of motion. IS IT ALSO A DEMONSTRATION OF HIS MIRACULOUS. I believed this to be that in later years, a sign to show how we begin to understand more the river (Spirits) movement. This happens as we learn to interpret more wisely revelations and yield more to His wisdom…that will result in the move(s) of god being replaced by a more righteous flow. I believe and hope we will learn from misjudgments and mistakes and obtain a clearer and purer means of moving with God.

    In fact on a physical level, one in the past could walk from Southampton right through to the north without LEAVING the forest. There already existed a shaded walkway for mans journey.

    Part of Gods answer to the NS Divide, which split the country on a HORIZONTAL axis (E to W) is THE RIVER. Because this runs N to S, splitting the country as it were East to West, this on a VERTICAL axis. Except of course for the fact that the veins and capillaries reached every part and corner. But the main stems did not.

    It almost seems, that apart from the PHYSICAL and GEOGRAPHICAL backbone of the Pennine Mountains, running centrally N to S down the spine of the country. That God is CREATING a SPIRITUAL MAP and RESOURCE. The river proceeds from the Father, the river flows FROM the Temple. Now what does it say about our body regarding the Temple!!!

    I heard the Father saying… “I am changing the spiritual environment of this country” Spiritual changes lead to physical changes. So be it lord, according to what you have said.

    In a later vision, I was shown an arm of this river from closer up, indeed I was called to imbibe. I saw the river from a distance of about 40 yards/meters and at ground level. On and along both banks of this river, I saw people kneeling down, almost bowed down and drinking from the river next to one another. I heard the call to come drink…nb…I had not involved myself in Toronto. As i moved forward I realised that the river and its banks, especially its length and gap between the two banks, reminded me of a DEEP WOUND, a wound that was not just long, but was wide and had parted , losing its tension with the skins surface considerably.

    I realised that this wound had been opened up by the Father, through his Son and The Spirit was ministering the full benefits and blessing for those who drank. It was the Sons arm, the walking living breathing Jesus Christ .The river is there for all to drink from. I realised also that this was a wound that resembled Jesus Himself being opened up as a man. I saw it in 2 ways, like the way his wound was opened up under his heart with the Roman soldiers lance, like a puncturing of the pericardial sac, releasing blood and water…but also like a wound opened up, in the length of His arm, wrist side up, from elbow to just above the wrist…to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

    A wound from His very own body, a wound from his very own self. Here I sensed deeply that the flow of the rivers water was a FLOW of HIS MERCY to us, through the opened body of his Son. Come, come, come to the waters and drink, you who have no money, come without price or cost.

    Just in these last few days – He has said, I am opening up the river again. Very much like a dolphin appears and then disappears, so to will His river, which is HIM, appear and rise as a dolphin, to accompany the envisioning of the vessel, His church.

    How much more, no matter who we are or how we believe, what creed we say or what leader we follow. How much more we need to drink the deep draughts of His mercy. Not only is mercy the ROOT of HIS BEING/PERSON, but also the SEAT of HIS POWER and the CHANNELL of HIS PRAISE. To those who say the stream is polluted; he says drink…its My Mercy to you. To those who thought they know the flow, perhaps have not walked as they ought to have…the call is till and now, come and drink. It is essential that we do not remain divided by the RIVER but that we become UNITED through His mercy towards us. We are all in need, as is this nation, as is He. As is our neighbor.

    He has work for us all to do, work far wider reaching than our differences. Come and drink and be glad for what the Lord is doing/going to do for us. For we are a people with a purpose, we are a people who are CALLED to DRINK.

    Psa 46:4 [There IS] a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy [place] of the tabernacles of the most High.


  5. Part 3 – The Knife ,the Chain and the Divide

    Many years ago a friend of mine told me of a vision. He saw a chain, great thick and heavy and it was wrapped around this country of ours, The British Isles, The United kingdom, Great Britain.

    This chain with it thick heavy links, was as you look at Britain facing its front, would begin at the join of the right shoulder and neck and would be looped in one continuous chain, crossing the chest from right to left and resting on the left hip so to speak. Like a sash but made of heavy back links, with no break in it.

    Jesus when he became a man, became as a man a link in the chain, which represents the bondage, control , the tying and holding down into place, of the nations destiny due to the weight of sin. Sin as is normal, but also sin perhaps of being CHAINED though Europe, a very specific link in this nations bondage

    But when Jesus died on the cross, he broke one chain in that link,( he broke himself) and that link broke when he broke, and caused a separation in the whole length of that chain, so it no longer had the strength, the continuous loop to hold this nation in place. Because Christ rose from that place of holding he broke us free from that point of our breakage. This is the standing place of our faith. That will enable us to cause a permanent release from this nations inability to save itself, never mind save its neighbour. But God has a plan, a destiny and a horizon for the this nation, that in his time and means, it is approaching and accelerating towards god horizon for it.

    As I pondered on these things, the Lord opened up to me certain notions and ideas.

    He spoke about the Great North South Divide that this nation has suffered. He spoke that the Divide like the chain was a reality. This chain bound this country tight, as real and as tightly as an iron one would.

    He also said that nation can take a course of one of two ways. Here He showed me a butter dish, with a clean slab of rectangular butter on it. I then saw a knife that was held in a hand come towards the butter and it indiscriminately gouged out lumps of butter. This seemed to display the poverty and helplessness this country was in. Gouged and plundered by many, powerless to stop it and help oneself. Having no or limited ability to be what it needed to be, but laid low at the behest of others. He then said to me, which one do you want to be, the butter or the knife? I then saw a picture of a butter knife simply and easily cut straight through the slab of butter, almost as if the butter knifes edge had been heated. This is how he wants this country to be, the head and not the tail, before the lord, the hot knife of Love, the instrument of righteousness, held securely and willingly in the hand of the Lord.
    In hindsight, the butter mountains!!!

    The North South Divide represents the broken link in the Divide of man, a broken link in the life of man. The broken link, the Divide and the knife can be repaired and restored through prayer.

    God hates divides and always works to separate man FROM them and JOIN them to Himself. Did He not part the Red Sea, and in doing so baptised a nation into himself, did he not and does He not want to see Israel whole and free. Is it not His way? Is it not in His heart, mind and will to do so? He wills to do it. He can do it. It’s HIS BOTH TO WILL AND TO DO. He seeks to do it for this country.

    The broken link can be repaired, made solid in Christ through prayer. Jesus entered into man’s reality and in their/his humanity, became a link as in the chain of mankind. Being joined to us and our country in our brokenness and held, holds us with and to Himself in our weakness.

    But through His life, death and resurrection, Jesus broke free from the loop, the circle of our chain, thereby breaking its continuity and its strength. Like wise and conversely, the binding of the chain, towards us in its weakness and brokenness, IN HIM…is of now, NO EFFECT. For in HIM, are strength, completeness and wholeness. IF, we see GOD and NOT man, IF we can SEE, and INVISAGE, The Repairer repairing and NOT the power of and over the powerlessness of man.

    IF we see the freedom, IF we see this and not it’s seemingly state of loss, weakness and bondage. Without vision people perish. Psa 24:7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Psa 24:8 Who [is] this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.
    Psa 24:9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift [them] up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
    Psa 24:10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he [is] the King of glory. Selah.

    IF, we see the promise of God…behold I make all things new.

    The broken link repaired through prayer, under the authority of prayer, can bring this nation to a new place of authority in God. Man is far away from His ideal, for in man’s brokenness and weakness he is separated from God, separated by the binding chain that with holds him from their GOD. But IF man becomes separated UNTO Christ, He JOINS man through Christ in God…THEN, who becomes the Head of the Nation, the head and not the tail, the free and not the bound and the whole and not the partial and incomplete? Who then becomes its Sovereign King, its Sovereign Monarch…Gods purpose is not to bow the knee of individuals and this nation to Europes king, Baal, but rather for this resurrected nation to take ITS KING Jesus to Europe’s Baal… remember in all this it is not just the destiny of britain and Europe that is at stake, but the individual salvation of ever individual soul there within …. as the lord said, in genesis … Give me children or I’ll die …to be continued.


  6. Part 1 Siloam
    will start from the beginning …. this is where he started me

    which is a poem, given to describe Gods love for Great Britain, His purpose and desire for her, which is linked to his purpose, desire and love for France ( our neighbour) and hence Europe

    Siloam – come to the waters and drink. 1997

    This is a preface to a series of 12 visions, inter linked, that shows Gods love for this nation, its nearest “neighbour” France and God purpose for the UK in relation to Europe as a whole

    Come to the pool of Siloam,
    come to the waters and drink,
    come and find a refreshing,
    come take of the long cool drink

    Upon the waters are ripples
    whose eddies and flow made for you
    Flowing ever to you from its centre
    ever moving and coursing so now do

    So come all you who are thirsty
    come the lame its crippled and drink
    and find its length, its refreshing
    to bring you all back from the brink

    The tide of this nation is turning
    its eddies and flows set for rest
    so come to the waters don’t dither
    let Me put your mind at rest

    A longing a flowing a yearning
    Is all from me that is best
    so come don’t hesitate or dither
    come ye all and find in me rest

    A history of this nation is waiting
    A longing for its repent
    for it s challenging and its changing
    is being spent to heal its rent

    Its garment has been torn asunder
    Its wound exposed and unkempt
    to whom will my message deliver
    What of I that I relent

    I am changing the face of the nations
    the law of its axe head is bent
    but I in my powerful refraction
    will heal and bind up its vent

    No more sore and puss erupting
    No more be its running and loss
    For I am its master and saviour
    Am binding and finding its lost

    Alone am I not in my ardour
    For the Spirit and Father am One
    For I am its lord and its master
    I am victory and not the Somme

    Not here the needless disaster
    Not here the slaughter and mess
    but here the myrtle and larch grow
    here I bring my rest

    my power to pass by is fleeting
    a flowing movement and passion of me
    giving and showing its splendour
    of its loosing and blessing to thee

    I am not as the night walking janitor
    But I am as the light of My Word
    No longer to move in darkness
    but to bless with the sword of my word

    Upon and atop of all mountains
    from valley and hill and the sky
    The train of my robe will be sweeping
    as the edge of my sky passes by

    Its light and its blessing will linger
    its full supplication is nigh
    My love so complete yet so tender
    my ardour I just cannot hide

    Oh would you be all for blessing
    O would you all stand aside
    and look for and see of my splendour
    from which no dark hides or abides

    the day of my presence sweeps nearer
    the nest of my love has been stirred
    The evil it me will not hinder
    Only my thunder is heard


    • I would like to add this in conjunction with the above poem, the significance has only been very recently realise, due to events occurring in the UK this week

      “I am for victory and not the Somme”

      In 1997 the Lord gave me a series of prophecies, including at first, regarding future unrest in France and soon after a poem that was the basis for recent events in the UK, outlined in the poem below. I believe these first two events occurred in the order they were given.

      Those indications, did not just highlight the events themselves, but became a focus for his future work in UK.

      But not just the UK , but his love for our nation and desire for its destiny, is reflected in his love for France , which was also displaying a small part of his greater purposes and future freedoms and evangelism of Europe.

      But I have to say … the timing is incredible, as back in 1997

      … where back then he wrote a line in a poem ..” I am for victory and not the Somme” … I did not know then in 1997, that the victory of the referendum would be placed along side the defeat of the Somme, that, within the same week of the victory of the referendum came the 100th anniversary remembering the defeat of the Somme

      back in 1997 he was already pointing to victory in 2016 for a referendum not yet called, and not the type of defeat likened of in the Somme 1916,,, though I sense that there are many pitfalls arising from Europe’s response to UK’s exit from EU … he is cautioning us to be watchful and prayerful for whatever may seek to be placed in UK’s path, in order to create a slaughter economically, spiritually and politically that could be of the ilk of the Somme, so I am wary of traps and trenches and bombs and orders that are given that are a result of ill thought out plans and ideas, and I hope also so will you be. But know this, God I believe is in these purposes and His Son is still enthroned in Zion.

      But I hope that you will see, that it is … He who started a thing will see it through to his completion … and what helps me today in the thick of the battle, and I hope other readers also … that he has said … “not here the needless disaster not here the slaughter and mess but here the myrtle and larch grow, here I bring my rest”

      But I felt these verses appropriate Josh1:5-7No man doth station himself before thee all days of thy life; as I have been with Moses, I am with thee, I do not fail thee, nor forsake thee; 6be strong and courageous, for thou — thou dost cause this people to inherit the land which I have sworn to their fathers to give to them. 7‘Only, be strong and very courageous, to observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded thee; thou dost not turn aside from it right or left, so that thou dost act wisely in every [place] whither thou goest;

      Siloam – come to the waters and drink. 1997

      This poem is a preface, inter linked, that shows Gods love for this nation, its nearest “neighbour” France and God purpose for the UK in relation to Europe as a whole and its “winning for God” with the help of his vessel Great Britain., and all who would sail with his purpose.

      Siloam …1997

      Come to the pool of Siloam
      come to the waters and drink,
      come and find a refreshing,
      come take of the long cool drink

      Upon the waters are ripples
      whose eddies are made for you

      Flowing ever to you from its centre
      ever moving and coursing so now do

      So come all you who are thirsty
      come the lame its crippled and drink
      and find its length, its refreshing
      to bring you all back from the brink

      The tide of this nation is turning
      its eddies and flows set for rest
      So come to the waters don’t dither
      let Me put your mind at rest

      A longing a flowing a yearning
      Is all from me that is best
      so come don’t hesitate or dither
      come ye all and find in me rest

      A history of this nation is waiting
      A longing for its repent
      for its challenging and its changing
      is being spent to heal its rent

      Its garment has been torn asunder
      Its wound exposed and unkempt
      to whom will my message deliver
      What of I that I relent

      I am changing the face of the nations
      the law of its axe head is bent
      but I in my powerful refraction
      will heal and bind up its vent

      No more sore and puss erupting
      No more be its running and loss
      For I am its master and saviour
      Am binding and finding its lost

      Alone am I not in my ardour
      For the Spirit and Father am One
      For I am its lord and its master
      I am for victory and not the Somme

      Not here the needless disaster
      Not here the slaughter and mess
      but here the myrtle and larch grow
      here I bring my rest

      my power to pass by is fleeting
      a flowing movement and passion of me
      giving and showing its splendour
      of its loosing and blessing to thee

      I am not as the night walking janitor
      But I am as the light of My Word
      No longer to move in darkness
      but to bless with the sword of my word

      Upon and atop of all mountains
      from valley and hill and the sky
      The train of my robe will be sweeping
      as the edge of my sky passes by ***

      Its light and its blessing will linger
      its full supplication is nigh
      My love so complete yet so tender
      my ardour I just cannot hide

      Oh would you be all for blessing
      O would you all stand aside
      and look for and see of my splendour
      from which no dark hides or abides

      the day of my presence sweeps nearer
      the nest of my love has been stirred
      The evil it me will not hinder …. Only my thunder is heard

      *** in a contribution to the Facebook group site of Prophetic Releasers for UK Revival, a post by Joyce Jones of June 25th shared part of another posts content which read .. I see the cloak of Jesus walking across the skies, As it follows the earth we are changed.


  7. Pingback: UK/EU in/out #9: Prophetic word and image from the Lord | The Road

  8. Part 7 – The “UNITED” Kingdom; for today, given 2003

    Read today in conjunction with Brexit and Scottish hopes for separation:

    Many of us inhabitants of Great Britain, and even some outside of us, will not say that we are a UNITED Kingdom, but more a DIVIDED nation. One has only to have looked at the troubles of Northern Ireland, the SEPARATE and devolved parts of Scotland and Wales. Their animosity stretching back centuries for all to observe. In fact Scotland, Ireland and Wales are Celtic nations, and one may even include Cornwall, part of England whose roots are also Celtic. Yet, seemingly, England rules supreme.

    Even geographically, the boundaries remain. Hadrian’s Wall separates Scotland from England and Offa’s Dyke separates England from Wales. Even Northern Ireland is separated by water from Scotland and Wales. Indeed the whole of Ireland itself is separated from each other, with a border between its North and South.

    A number of years back, whilst attending the 1st Braveheart Conference in Edinburgh. I believed the Lord said this to me… “JUST AS HADRIAN’S WALL SEPARATES ENGLAND FROM SCOTLAND, AND OFFA’S DYKE SEPARATES ENGLAND FROM WALES (PHYSICALLY), SO TOO, AM I UNITING THEM SPIRITUALLY.”

    I then had a picture of England, Scotland and Wales joined together to one another, with NO geographical, political or historical boundaries, with the Dyke and the Wall removed. There were not 3 separate entities, but ONE. Later the Lord said to me… “I am doing a work amongst the Celtic nations”. For the first time, I realised that Ireland had its place with Wales and Scotland as IT TOO, was a Celtic nation.

    He reminded me of the myth of a great giant who built a causeway from the North-east tip of Ireland to the South-west part of Scotland…He said… “In the same way that I am joining Wales and Scotland to England; I am crossing the divide between Ireland and Scotland and joining them to Wales and each other”. I could see part of God’s plan. He was taking them over on “dry ground”

    The miracle here is that England IS NOT A CELTIC nation, but He will join them to these other Kingdom parts for His purpose and His glory. England is far more akin and likened to Europe…yet He will make Britain United and Great to transport and transfer his greatness and the unity to Europe and France as a Nation.

    English bloodstock is inherited from European bloodstock. So at the same time that He unites England to Wales, Scotland and Ireland. He also seeks to unite and RE-ATTACHES England, with its Celtic and Godly unity RESIDING WITHIN IT to the European stock. Behold…I do a new thing.

    When Jesus said in Luke “Go ye unto all nations”, I believe He was saying go unto all ethnic groups. The Celts can be seen as an ethnic group and so to can the Anglo-Saxons… Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; Gen 28:3 May God Almighty* bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples.

    I believe this unity, is also necessary in the geopolitical quandary we now face with the Scottish move for separate rule.

    Today in hindsight … he purposes to make UK Great again, separating from Europe, and within, He seeks to make this nation United and One, the Kingdom United.

    His purpose for Britain is not to serve under Europe’s king Baal, but rather to take Britain’s King, King Jesus Christ to Europe, not to serve a foreign God at Brussels but to join Europe to Himself.

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