Brussels bursts the balloon of theological speculation!

Do this week’s dreadful events in Brussels expose theological errors on the rise of the Antichrist? In my opinion, yes.


The flags of the EU and of ISIS, courtesy The Four Signposts

As there’s neither time or opportunity to expand upon this claim in depth let me stir your thoughts on a few points.

Students of Bible prophecy know theologians have long-held to the idea that scripture, especially the Books of Daniel and The Apocalypse, foretells the revival of the defunct, ancient Roman Empire. Consequently, the post-WWII Treaty of Rome and creation of the European Union was seen by most modern theologians and teachers on prophecy as the re-birth of that empire, from which the Antichrist would emerge as a world leader. The prophetic corpus explains all the disastrous consequences that would attend such a scenario as a result of a leader’s assumption of totalitarian power and subsequent attacks upon Jews and the state of Israel.

However, since the turn of the Century an increasing number of scholars have posited a different explanation of prophecy; one more in keeping with the geopolitical realities about which it foretells. Namely, Israel and its Middle-Eastern milieu. That is, the nature of Islam makes it, or a part of it, rather than the EU the source of the person to fulfill that prophesied role.

Invisible HandPreviously I’ve noted the author of the book that started my journey, The Invisible Hand, drew attention to the modern ascendancy of Islam, although he followed others’ assumptions about the roles of Europe and of Russia. Even so, as shown in US Presidents’ Actions Relate to Daniel’s Visions, Victor Dunstan’s world scenario drawn in mid-1980s closes: ‘The personification of the Beast will take control of the revived Islamic Empire’!

In fact, this week’s attacks upon Brussels, where the EU’s head is located, symbolise a spiritual conflict and contest between those two candidates for Antichrist!! And this precludes any consideration of the exceptional vulnerability brought about by European defiance of scripture in its anti-Israel policies, as considered earlier in this blog, and the latest illegality of which the Daily Mail published recently.

daniel-revisited-cover-smallAuthor of Daniel Revisited, Mark Davidson considers this theological question and briefly explains in The Attacks in Brussels and Paris, and Rome vs. Islam why Europe can no longer be considered as the source of the infamous biblical personage:

‘If Europe was truly the future power base of the Antichrist, wouldn’t it at least have some vestige of outrage calling for a military confrontation? Why aren’t the Germans, French, Belgians, Dutch and Brits calling for forming a 200,000-man army and smashing the teeth in of Islamic State, the source du jour of Islamic jihadists, um, I mean, terrorists? It’s because Europe is simply not the future power base of the Antichrist. Islam is.

‘The future power base of the Antichrist is the one doing the bombing. And it just occurred to me that these attacks – claimed by IS – are yet another data point showing in reality what is really happening right before our eyes. If you knew nothing of Bible prophecy, which political sphere of influence might have the culture and attitude to support the Antichrist’s ambitions? The Continent tired of war, or the Realm that is in places acting like a wild beast wanting to rip into its victims?’ (Read the full article by clicking above title.)

A Muslim Perspective

Now consider the secular opinion of the Muslim and Pakistan-born author, columnist and broadcaster and a founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress – Tarek Fatah. His article Brussels: Another Wake-up Call in Toronto Sun opens:

‘Another day, another city, yet the script that started unfolding in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in 1998 and that shocked the world on 9/11 in New York is the same — jihadi killers let loose on unsuspecting “infidels”. On Tuesday, Belgium’s capital of Brussels fell in line with London, Madrid, and Paris as Western capitals brought to their knees by jihadi terrorists seeking the annihilation of Western civilization.

‘If the actions committed by the soldiers of international jihad were predictable, the reaction of Western leaders was also familiar to ordinary, anxious citizens of North America and Europe – cowardice wrapped in political correctness…(Emphasis added)

‘As anger at the inability of Western countries to fight the spread of jihadi Islamism grows, the reaction of their leaders has numbed into cliché-ridden rhetoric…When (leaders) of the free world (are) careful not to name the entity that attacks the U.S. and its allies, how can we expect to defeat this evil cancer that keeps spreading?

‘Imagine President Franklin D. Roosevelt not naming the Nazi regime of Germany as the enemy Americans (and British Commonwealth) fought and laid down their lives to fight against in the Second World War.’

In closing let me quote Archbishop Justin Welby:

“In the great Holy Week of Christian prayer and mercy, the Brussels attacks shock all those who seek peace and justice through the terrible cruelty and utter separation from all that is of God. Once again we see the contrast between the vain efforts to terrify through indiscriminate murder, and the call of God to be those who show mercy, who seek peace and pursue it. Let us at every service this week pray for those caught up in the traumatic events at the airport and in the City of Brussels.”

Let us pray also for all our political leaders and ministers to repent of repudiating Christ and that all resolve to uphold and follow rather than negate and ridicule Gospel truths – amen.

UPDATE 4/4/16

“I will make you (Abram and descendants through Isaac) a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you”… (Gen 12:2-3 NKJV)

For the day of the LORD is near upon all the nations is near: as you have done (to Israel), it shall be done to you; your reprisal shall return upon your own head (Obadiah 1:15 NKJV)

Soeren Kern, Why Belgium is Ground-Zero for European Jihadis:

The terrorist attacks on the airport and metro in Brussels are casting a spotlight, once again, on Belgium’s ignominious role as a European haven for jihadists. Several distinct but interconnected factors help explain why Brussels, the political capital of Europe, has emerged as the jihadist capital of Europe

American intelligence official: “When we have to contact these people [European officials] or send our guys over to talk to them, we’re essentially talking with people who are… children. These are not pro-active, they don’t know what’s going on. They’re in such denial. It’s such a frightening thing to admit their country is being taken over.”

Caroline Glick, The Consequences of Anti-Zionism:

…In the aftermath of the ISIS attacks in Brussels, will Europeans demand to know why European resources are being used to fund espionage against the IDF on the one hand, and Palestinian security services that commit murder and support jihad on the other?

Just as Ad Kan’s revelations indicate that law breaking, while not intrinsic to the operations of anti-Zionist, EU-funded Israeli groups, so it would seem that while not intrinsic to anti-Zionist foreign policies, governments that are hostile to Israel tend to have incoherent and incompetent policies for  contending with the threat of jihad.

This of course, is eminently predictable. After all, if you believe that Israel is the cause of the pathologies of the Islamic world, then you will likely be blind to the nature of the jihadist threat and the danger it poses to your nation.

Following the ISIS strikes in Brussels, both Israeli and American security experts spoke bitterly of the ineptitude of Belgian security services. It is not that the forces themselves are incompetent. Rather, the experts said, their political leadership refuses to allow them to take the actions necessary to protect their country.

The Belgians, like their European brethren generally, refuse to deal with jihad. Instead of acknowledging and dealing forthrightly with the phenomenon, they seek every possible excuse to ignore it.

According to senior government officials, the Belgians are among the most vociferous foes of Israel in the EU. Europe’s obsessive castigation of Israel is a central aspect of their jihad avoidance strategy. If Israel is to blame for everything, then they can save themselves by pouring billions of euros on the PA and by funding Israeli anti-Zionist subversives.

This position is of course irrational and by clinging to it, the Europeans have enabled the jihadist forces arrayed against them to gather and grow…

(Emphases added)

Read also ‘ne-plus ultra’ journalist Glick on the EU’s illegal trade war on Israel.


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