‘God-incidents’ validate cycles and point to the near future – 1

Flying puzzles - Nokhoog BuchachonTHE ‘INVISIBLE JIGSAW’ RE-APPEARS! It never vanishes. It rolls around and releases fresh, visible pieces for us to fit into place. The emerging picture ‘connects the dots’ of not only Kingdom influences but also a new chain of ‘coincidences’.

Including early and modern, ‘cutting-edge’ Church issues, these pieces could be more noticeable to those of mature years. Younger folk don’t yet have the advantage of seeing history unfold before their eyes. But they’ll doubtless grasp the following:

What’s the best way to depict what we sense supra-naturally through our spirit?

Pictures try capturing a 3-dimensional (3-D) world – no, it’s a 4-D one because they’re also a snapshot in time. Thus, to draw or paint something we’re taking from the tangible, or the imagination, our perception of whatever it is, but we only succeed in imprisoning it in a 2-D area on paper or canvas. The same applies also to photo or video, because they confine an instant or sequence in time into a slice of captured, confined time.

So, the illustrations used to refer to an ‘invisible jigsaw’ hamper communicating its supra-natural existence!

Digital GlobeIn fact, concepts and mechanisms of the digital world and of cyber space convey much better our sensing and processing, as well as receiving and communication of knowledge and revelations, because they portray the linkage between seemingly disparate things or minds – or dimensions!

(Readers unfamiliar with the concept of synchronous events, a.k.a. ‘God-incidence’, may wish to read Rev Dr Sharon Stone on serendipity as one of ‘four biblical laws for advancing the Kingdom’, as outlined under that sub-head in this post.  A brief overview of ‘invisible jigsaw’ and cycles is given in this post.)

In sharing these personal ‘pieces’, one of which is highly unusual, and a few fascinating snippets of what Charlie Shamp brought, you may like to check if Biblically relevant time periods appear in your own life. I’m certain the Lord recently told me to take notice of them. For example:

40-Years Period

In telling about an open vision last Autumn of “a river running through this nation”, Dale Mast interrupted unwrapping its meaning to relay a related prophetic word direct to me. It referred to Joshua and Caleb’s faith outlasting 40 years of doubt whilst wandering in the wilderness to see what they’d believed come to pass. Dale said this relates to a dream that God’s delayed but which will come to pass for me. (Interesting that Mike Parsons refers to them too in his latest post.)

I was puzzled yet intrigued because, back in ’74, another 15 years were to pass before I became a believer – 40 years ago my ‘dream’ was to find the Truth. Yet much older was a childhood fancy of how marvelous it must have been to see and hear Jesus teach, heal and perform miracles.

Spiral stairs franky242I’d concluded this word may refer to my sincerely searching for a supreme being, as recounted  here. Although I’d done this through Eastern religions and esoteric teachings arising out of Gnosticism, the Lord personally confronted and rescued me from Satan’s camp. So this prophetic word may mean I was about to go ‘full circle’ but in a sanctified life rather than an ungodly, unsaved life this time around – like going around and up a spiral staircase to the next level, as mused herein.

Note on Cycles

williamkoenig-web[1]In one of my earliest blogs I introduced readers to cycles of time by referring to White House correspondent William Koenig’s investigation of the work of Eric Hadik, a leading financial markets technical analyst. A great deal of Hadik’s knowledge comes from W.D. Gann’s work on market cycle theories based upon his discoveries in the Bible, and which could be applied to mathematical and geometrical principles! (Read Who is Eric Hadik?)

After four years of closely following Hadik’s application of theories of cycles to natural and human events, Bill attested to having “found his calculations extremely accurate”.

Anyone wishing to check out this fascinating topic should read Inside Track for a host of informative articles on many types of cycles. In his bulletin of financial analysis Eric predicts and checks ‘cycle predictions’, eg. geological (earthquakes and volcanoes), scientific (including nuclear), financial markets, political, diplomatic or military matters!

Occasionally I’m sent a copy of Inside Track and have only now got around to reading January’s. Entitled 40-Year Cycle: Euro 2015, it reprints a 40-year cycle analysis and checks the accuracy of predictions made mid-2011. He reminds subscribers it’s about an expected crisis in the Euro, with this year being one of ‘Acceleration’!!

At the beginning of this year he wrote (emphases added):

If I was pressed to use one word to describe expectations for 2015, it might be acceleration. 2013-2014 was projected to provide or reveal the initial phases on an expected ‘Shift’ of epic proportion.

2018-2021 is expected to see many (initial) results or consequences of this ‘Shift’ reach fruition (including ‘Cycles of Unification’ in both the Middle East and Europe…)

Eric also refers to 60-year European Unity Cycle and a 70-year cycle and its effects in the next few years, which I’ll refer to later in connection with Charlie Shamp’s visit.

55-Years Period

Occasionally, our minister refers to teachings by a Nigerian “Dr O”. So, three weeks ago I asked for a link and was given one to YouTube. As there’s a listing I dipped into the top one but found it was 3 hours long. So I scrolled to where ‘Dr O’ was standing at the front of the meeting and played from there – what he said at that point exactly hit the ‘bull’s eye’ for me! 

He announced he wanted to teach on something, but then said something that took me back 50-55 years. He repeated what had dropped into my mind about church during a Catholic Mass when I was about 12 years old, or mid-teens: “They’ve lost what Jesus taught!”  Now, ‘Dr O’ conveyed the same notion almost word for word – no-one else has ever said that!

‘Dr O’ explained the early Church is like a tree with lots of branches but no roots. When he made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire in the early 4th Century, Constantine discouraged all contact with Jews and the Church severed itself from its Jewish roots – from even the descendants of Jesus’ kith and kin, or Desposyni.  In doing so, the Church lost a fuller and deeper understanding of the Old Testament.

As a teenager that brief idea startled yet motivated me a few years later to set me off on a quest – one which took me into enemy territory of Gnostic and New Age doctrine.  Had I heard ‘Dr O’ in those days I’d have had a far better response to that uninvited remark and sought elsewhere for the truth – possibly becoming a believer much sooner.

Before going on to teach about how Jewish fathers recognised their sons upon reaching maturity and thus giving an insight upon ‘Sons of God’, he said the Biblical meaning of number 5 is “multiplication”. Again, this plugs into those early years of searching!   That is, 10 or 11 times 5 (50 or 55 years) – and echoes my initial reaction.

The next morning I wanted to replay it to check exactly what he’d said BUT could not find the video! I’d seen it only just in time before it was deleted or archived!

That was Thursday 26th March, when I was completing the 2nd part of a trilogy on the possibility of Satan pre-empting the Lord’s End-time schedule. Also, that day had been fraught with technical glitches! (Respective posts here and here refer.)

BUT, I didn’t know about another way in which that Thursday’s events connected into the Wednesday. It would be revealed the next day, Friday. That is, on three consecutive days the very same theme cropped up for my personal attention – it was like being hit between the eyes. I just couldn’t miss it! This trio of instructive ‘coincidences’ couldn’t simply be serendipity (ie. fortuitous happen-chance) but what I call ‘God-incidence’; or as Einstein described coincidence: “God’s way of remaining anonymous” (see here).

So, someone must have urged and directed my actions in discovering not only a direct relevance between what I’d been doing that day and 16 months ago, and 55 months ago, and 40 years ago, and 55 years ago. AND have directed what else was about to come within 24 hours…

Click to continue reading

Images credit

Freedigitaliphotos.net kindly supplied the following courtesy of
  • Nokhoog Buchachon for ‘Flying Puzzles’
  • Cooldesign for ‘Digital Globe’
  • Franky242 for ‘Spiral Stairs’.

4 thoughts on “‘God-incidents’ validate cycles and point to the near future – 1

  1. Richard, I was struggling to fully understand where you were going with this. I got the cyclical relevance and was really getting on board. Then up popped “50-55 years”. It is 55 years this year since Jesus captured me and captivated me with His love. Alongside this wonderful anniversary, is also the anniversary of something else. Within months of being a lover and follower of Jesus, He promised me that I would see, in my lifetime, major revival in this country. I have held this in my heart all these years with lesser and greater faith and expectation Now, today, these numbers (50-55) are brought to my attention so strongly. Praise and prayer “reminder” to heaven! AND, watch this space.

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